Things to do with your mouth…

u no u want
2 c it

Ah, porn. I do love it so 🙂

I have a [[wp:fetish]] for [[e2:lesbian|lesbians]]. I can’t help it – and I don’t wanna. I love ’em. I love women and women together
is even better… besides
it’s fairly good for my deep seated [[e2:voyeurism]] thing as well. It is worth
noting by the way that my lesbian voyeur urge is not really geared toward
hardcore stuff… I am really into romance and so on between girls… kissing is
good. Really, really good. Backrubs and so on is nice too.

While it is common to assume that men who are into lesbians are just looking
for an excuse to join in, that is not always true. Like me, a lot of guys would
be very happy to watch. In any case, following up on some stuff I wound up with

lot of lesbian stuff
open in my browser so here it is for your amusement.

the world is

is a company I found while I was surfing. They seem to be doing
some good work finding smaller, out of the way companies who are making lesbian
content with a distinctly feminine twist. When I read the customer reviews I am
struck that most of the reviewers seem to have the same ideas I do on what is
going to make for a good scene or movie… and that is nice. The


sections are yummy.


Of course, anything worth surfing has some cool nodes on [[Everything2]]: