The sound of my own voice…

ed. note: there is some really cool stuff in this post, so make sure you
read it all boys and girls! Or you can jsut skip it all and

get to the important thing

Last night with Tatsumi was nice. We get along together pretty well after
all this time and it is soothing to be with her. Got a fair amount of sleep (6
hours or so) but I think I am going to steel a nap before heading to the [[wp:dojo]].

As always when I feel helpless my brain is running a mile a minute… lots of
stuff I have to do and fix, lots of ideas and plans going on. I am being pretty
brutal in weeding out the stuff that simply won’t work and getting a handle on
what I think >will< work.

Amazingly, as a result of that process I have decided to embrace audio
broadcasting for several projects. I am going to put it all under the umbrella
of  "Radio Free Soulhuntre" for now. This will include:

  • Music broadcasting
  • My rambling on about whatever crosses my mind in a DJ/talk format
  • BDSM discussion broadcasts with Flagg and hopefully SirC
  • Girl2 live audio streams
  • Audio interviews with 3D and game industry people over the phone
  • As yet to be revealed secret audio associated with the game project

I am strongly considering just using a

station for this for now, save myself all the trouble of setting up
the server stuff on my own and worrying about bandwidth and so on. It seems to
me that if it really takes off then I’ll make a decision about how to handle it
later on.

What is the purpose? Well, it’s fun and people used to really like it
previously. I also think it will provide a good platform for a lot of the other
things I am working ion at the moment and increase the membership of Girl2
and the BDSM project "Flogger" I am working on with Flagg.

Now, the Live365 is gonna cost $14.95 a month for me to broadcast on and sad
to say that is a factor of concern. So if you have anything to plug you might
want to consider sponsoring the radio station. I’ll make sure you get plugged,
or your website does or your favorite charity … whatever.

If you have someplace between $5 and $15 to spare and want to sponsor the
station, for one month or several then [[let me know]] or

just go and slam a paypal my way
. I’ll put it to good use and you’ll be
amused as all heck 🙂
