Sinking in…

Feeling better now.

Talked to Tatsumi, talked to Kimiko, talked to my family. I’ll be
talking to Flagg as soon as he gets back to the house. So far the consensus
seems clear:

It sucks, but we all agree we can make some real good come out of it.

Less overhead  allows me to take [[dotPublishing]] into "garage"
development mode, and suddenly the company as it stands starts breaking even
(almost) on it’s monetary needs. That means"

  • The ability to take on smaller clients (thus, more numerous ones)
  • The ability to make sure my servers stay online and solid
  • The ability to pay down some debt
  • The occasional ability to purchase needed software and resources
  • The ability to compensate some of those who work for me with more than
    [[e2:Ramen]] noodles
  • Much more time to work on needed company projects

So, this is a strategic withdrawal. I haven’t gotten nearly the "failure"
vibe I thought I would get from others and I have been offered a fair amount of
support in the decision.

There is a lot to be done, especially to make this transition orderly and
manageable. We will not be running away like refugees… I will be getting
storage for my stuff, trucks to help with the moving issues and taking my time
to do it right.

No one tossed on the street, no panic in the night. Just an orderly
withdrawal so I can come back stronger.

I can do this…. and I can make it work in my favor.

As for my personal issues? it seems that more important than having the
occasional place to be intimate is the ability to actually go out, or be able to
treat to dinner or maybe even buy the odd gift.

Good to know 🙂

Of course, there are financial burdens to this decision and I will need to
work those out, but whatever they are they have to be better than $2200 a month
in debt.

Going out now with the girls, so this is all out of my mind for a while.
Flagg, if you haven’t read my email before this… don;t panic … it’s all