Checking in and war thoughts…

Smog of War

Well, went and did a demo/workshop tonight for TES on “Extreme Play”. It went OK and I got to discuss some of the gun play stuff I rarely get to talk about. Basically, the panel was like the Legion of Doom. We talked a bit about gun play, humiliation, vein tapping and breath play. The good stuff 🙂

Thoughts on the war? I swear, its amazing. Less than two weeks in and you’d think we were bogged down for all time (my comment here).

I think I like the embedding though, it is working well because the reporters are getting to see what it is like to be part of a front line unit – hopefully that gives them a better feel for how amazing the US forces are and will let us avoid the normal “baby killer” bullshit we usually get after a war. Anyway, more soon.

Life is going well in general, interpersonally a little confusing but I have a strong good feeling about the future. Now, sleep for me… we have a meeting with or landlord tomorrow to discuss turn over of the house.

p.s. I am about 30% of the opinion we will see an Iraqi suicide (homocide?) bomber in the war zone pop a nuke or a chem weapon. They threatened more attackers who could kill 5000 Marines in one attack.

p.p.s. I am 100% sure if the Iraqis do pop a nuke some rabid peace protestors will manage to both proclaim we “deserved” it, forced Saddam into and STILL deny that he has any.