Off 2 sleep…

Kind of a long weekend 🙂

  • Had a meeting with the landlord. All is well, we need to try and get out of the house by 04/15/2003.
  • Got some work done on a project for client “SD”, I am doing some database stuff for them in PHP.
  • Gonna catch up on my sleep a little, I have what feels like a slight cold.
  • Had some good fun watching Tatsumi on cam and we seemed to communicate OK on the phone… that always makes me happy 🙂
  • Speaking of, I really want to get a fashion show of her new goodies.

Ah well… time for sleep. Feels wierd not to say good morning tonight (long story) – I’ve doen it every day for so long it makes me feel connected. Ah well, I’ll survive 🙂