flip a coin…

scenario 1:

  • Things are fine
  • I am on top of my game
  • I am cool
  • I am confident
  • I am constantly improving
  • I have gained control of my life
  • This will lead to my victory in all things I desire

scenario 2:

  • I am completely wrong about the situations of my life
  • I am making these changes far too late
  • What I think is being cool is in fact being stagnant and petrified
  • I am letting it all just fade away because I am too stupid to act

Most of the time I feel like #1. Then I get these moments, minute or hours where all I can think about is #2. Nothing changes, no one does anything different… it just scares the hell out of me. I recover, I always do – but that either means I am basically sane or completely delusional.

This is gonna be a stressful day 🙂