Karma works in odd ways…

Seriously freaky [[e2:karma]] man.

Let me bring you up to date, Tatsumi is working for a mid sized firm, we’ll call them client “R” for the moment. She is a full time “art Director” but what she really is is all around web goddess, design person for their [[wp:CMS]] and running the graphic design department. Anyway, she is working her guts out giving them the benefit of her graphic and web experience.

Some time ago, it looked like there might be a job opening over there supporting the existing firm working on the CMS system they had been building since before she got there. After a fair amount of soul searching that just culminated today I decided that if the opportunity presented itself I would take it in. Right about 8 hours of work a day, 4 days a week for about 5-6 months. The idea of working with Tatsumi is a nice one, but the general concept of working in an office [[e2:cubicle]] sucks.

Of course, reliable money is nice.

Anyway – it looks like the gods (and I suspect Tatsumi) are smiling on me. I may get the chance to work with her, rebuild the CMS from the ground up for a pretty good chunk of $$$ and do it all as a consultant on “[[wp:tiger team]]” kind of basis. They need it done now and their current consulting firm has totally [[e2n:590626|jumped the shark]][1]. That will mean 3-4 60+ hour weeks and a fairly large number of trips up to client “R” to make sure I am doing what Tatsumi needs… but it is so much more in keeping with my abilities (social and technical) that I can’t help but hope it happens.

I’ll do what I need to to make this opportunity work, and I’ll be thankful for it whichever way it breaks because I know the market sucks; but man, I really hope it’s the crash course super man thing! I still need to wear a suit, but I can handle that no problem 🙂