TES Fest… kink makes for a good weekend 🙂

TES Fest

In case anyone didn’t know I am fairly active in certain areas of TES, most recently I was on a panel discussing (ok, arguing) the relative merits of [[wp:SSC]] and [[wp:RACK]] in the [[wp:BDSM]] community. It will be no shock to you that I was on the RACK side. It’s pretty hard to discuss various types of [[wp:Edgeplay]] like I did on a previous panel and not be in RACK territory. Hell, [[wp:gunplay]] alone puts you there – and I love gunplay.

Anyway, I am going to be heading up security for [[TES Fest]], a pretty happening 3 day event that will take place across the river in [[wp:NYC]] at a great hotel.  If you want to meet any of us, including Kimiko and Tatsumi then by all means come on out, it’s going to be a blast.

p.s. I wound up writing the [[Wikipedia]] entries for [[gunplay]], and [[breathplay]] for this article, so go read em!