More lint in the ‘net navel

A quick whip around the ‘net via what’s hanging out in my browser.

  • salon mwt feature Tasty, not tasteless – a Salon review of the first Charlie’s Angels movie. Pretty funny.
  • Forums – Requiem For A Duck – “It’s a sad thing when an innocent life is dragged deep into despair and misery. Alcohol, drugs, sex, these things are toxic to the naive. I have such a story to tell. I’ll call it Requiem For A Duck.”
  • Mr. Mikes Leather Seats – Fiero GT Style – I’ve been looking into Fiero stuff of late as it may be that my most economical choice for a “cool” car is to get my GT out of the garage. I came across this guy who does leather seats for them. Way cool. #8 Gray and Black looks like a winner.
  • STOP CLOWN PORN NOW – “This site is a public service of the Stop Clown Porn Movement and our militant brothers in the SCPBrigade.” No, I don’t think they are serious.
  • Pulse Jet Engine The Gokart – home made pulsejet engine, go-kart. Hilarity ensues. Actually this guys is pretty brilliant, his pages on metal work rule and he has some thoughts on valve less pulsejets that rock.
  • Broken Memories – Ruining Childhoods Since Right Now – “Ha, the things you didn’t know. Would you believe that somewhere right now, someone’s writing stories whoring out your favorite characters in nauseating porn? Illustrating them in positions normally associated with exhibitionists and contortionists? Making posts in an online journal professing their real and undying romantic attraction to them? … You betcha! That’s the marvel of the Internet, you see. No matter how innocuous something may be, there’s always someone in this online world ready to turn it into a wild circus of perversions.”
  • NewsForge: A proposal to give credit to Open Source Authors – not a bad idea… but it doesn’t last long 🙂