You’re on kandid karma…

Let’s hear it for [[wp:Karma]]! A long time ago Tatsumi and I sort of forgot a few cameras were running during an intimate moment. It was embarrassing.

Anyway, one of the witnesses to that little escapade has spent about the last 45 minutes on her audio being “intimate” in both the vanilla and [[wp:BDSM]] sense of the term because she forgot it was on. Whether her partner forgot or not is unknown… but since he is the best kind of bastard I doubt it.

What makes it nice is through the magic of the web I was able to participate in a odd way by holding up signs in front of the Girl2 webcam with commentary and notes. It’s so nice to be included, next time I’ll invite Flagg along… maybe on RFS! 🙂

Even as I type the odd grunt and groan (alone with what sounds suspiciously like boot knockin’) is still playing in my headphones… she has a nice ‘singing’ voice so it is a good way to end the day.


ed. note: Kimiko got to hear some, but sadly Tatsumi was asleep. Maybe she’ll hear the replay 🙂

ed. note 2: They are done now, and she’s horrified… I know this because she is reading it in front of the mike and I get hear the embarrassed  aftermath. The circle is now complete. 🙂

ed. note 3: Ok, she should feel a little better now. And Kimiko is probably blushing.