Anime computer cases and musical insight…


More fun, more frolic! it’s time for Web Lint! The party game that lets you
see just what they hell I crammed into my brain today. There is some amazingly
funny stuff in here, please, go check out the ‘Mixerman’ thing if you or
anyone you know
is now or ever has been in a band.

  • The Daily Adventures of Mixerman: Week 1 – “I actually
    grabbed his snare drum stick as it came down on the snare fpr the second or
    third hit, And I yelled for him to stop. Calmly (post yell)… I can’t believe
    how calm I’ve been thus far between assistants changing my plans and drummers
    playing snare drums directly into my unprotected ear… Calmly, I tell the
    drummer to never play the drums again if I’m anywhere near him. Then I had a
    slight change of mind, and I told the drummer to never play the drums if I’m
    even in the room.”
  • Modelos – Vanessa Ribeiro – no justification needed.
  • album00001 – a extreme computer case shaped like a life
    size [[e2:anime]] doll?!
  • Tatu fall foul of London police – “Russian lesbian pop
    act [[TATU]] and legions of schoolgirl fans have fallen foul of London police
    who cited ancient parliamentary laws to ban a video shoot outside the Houses of
  • Welcome to Grex!
    – get a free [[e2:telnet]] account. There is a pretty strong community as well.
  • Steely Dan – The Mu Major Chord – “The mu major chord
    features, in various forms, in songs on all Steely Dan albums. However,
    the chord is used not only in Steely Dan songs but in songs by many different
    artists, although others would probably know the chord by a different name. So
    the chord itself is not unique to Steely Dan – but the way Donald and Walter
    used the chord, the voicings they chose, and the chord changes they used it in
    made it something rather special in Steely Dan music.” – there is even a budding
    thread on the topic
  • Guitar Chord Theory – reference table – I had to know
    what they were talking about 🙂