Live from the world of kink…

audio message... Thoughts from the [[TES Fest]] as I check in with my adoring fans 🙂

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Hey this is Soulhuntre. It’s 05/17/03. It’s 4:04 in the morning.

Reporting to you from [[TES Fest]]. It’s been a long, long, long day. We ran security crews from, well, pretty much all day Friday. We’re gonna do it again all day Saturday and all day Sunday.  Monday I’ll probably get home around 3 or 4 in the morning, get to sleep for a little while and then around 11 we have to take Tatsumi to the dentist. She gets general anesthesia for 3 or 4 hours and then she’s gonna probably crash at my place.

The events have been pretty good so far. Tatsumi’s been working really hard, and Kimiko’s been working her guts out, but we’re gonna get it all done and that’s all cool. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like we’re going to have any social time this weekend, so I guess everybody gets to play but the volunteers.

Anyway, you’ll hear from me later on and I’ll probably be doing audio blogs for the rest of the weekend.

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