Blog fever…

audio message...

  • I had a cold.
  • It came with a fever.
  • My cable modem was down.
  • I needed to blog.
  • You do the math.

Transcript follows…

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Hey Everybody. It’s 23:34 on Thursday 05.22.2003.

This is going to be the 5th time I’ve had to re-record this post. I’m doing it via audio because, well, my cable modem is a no workin. Is all blinkin-blinkin! But no data. I don’t know what’s going on. And I really am not quite up to figuring it all out. I unplugged it! And I plugged it back in, which is usually the highly technical method of getting it to connect. I even kicked it a little bit, which is the slightly less technical way to do that. But none of these solutions worked. If I was really a little more all together I’d try something a little more high tech, but screw that.

So, I’m speaking to you guys so that you know what’s going on. I’ve had a cold for a couple of, like since yesterday. And I’m going to have a cold until probably tomorrow or Saturday. And that kinda sucks. But I have a fever! Which is actually kind of fun.

Kimiko wanted me to blog so that you guys could hear what I sound like when I have a fever. Cause she thinks I sound kinda silly. And to be honest with you, I have a tendency to, well, bury my head under the covers and make Yoda imitations. But I’m not gonna do that. Because I’m not going to have that on audio and have somebody hold it over my head. It’s just not gonna happen.

So, well, everybody have a good day. And unless my modem comes up, in which I guess I’ll talk to you later, and if not I’ll talk to you tomorrow. And I’ve probably used up my entire two minutes. So, so there you are! So I’m not going to re-record this again. Not that you would know if I did. And I’ll talk to you later on!


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