Bad thoughts in the land of the radikals…

Hey all! I am cleaning out my browser, so it’s that time again. Here is another thread watch post… we will be looking at some of the more interesting amusing threads at the usual radfem forums. If anyone knows of any similar forums that might be worth keeping an eye on [[let me know]]!

Threads of interest

The Ms. Boards: Statutory Rape – An oldie but  you can kind of see how this is going to go down. There will be the normal name calling and anger, accusations and vitriol. Hell, less than one page into the thread a conspiracy theory is already in full bloom about the whole thread being a tactic by a competing website.

The Ms. Boards: boyfriend’s beauty standards-ideals – this one is totally bizarre. If your boyfriend dares to mention that he might find a model or models attractive then dump him as the abusive insensitive scum he is!

The Ms. Boards How can men stop rape – I’m not going to go theough this… but all the usual stuff is in there… bad statistics, conspiracy theories and a little real discussion. Oh, in case you were wondering men don;t have the right to even form an opinion on what rape actually is.

The Ms. Boards: Raising teenaged boys… ideas and other support – make sure your teen doesn’t have a *gasp* [[Britney]] poster!

The Ms. Boards Desensitized morons – this one is nice, because remember if a stranger makes a comment you don;t liek you get to physically assault them!

The Ms. Boards: Board Dynamics III – oh, just read the whole thing. You know the drill by now… there is plenty of hatred and accusations to go around!

The Ms. Boards: Stupid commericals – it always amuses me that radicals (feminist and otherwise) take everything so literally and so seriously. It is one of the reasons why I am fairly certain a complete inability to see things as less than literal is one of the precursors to extreme activism. if you think a cereal commercial is a primary manipulation tool of a vast conspiracy to keep you down I think you have other issues. Oh… and hair is a repeating theme!

“Hairless legs creep my out, and it’s kind of fun to pet my own hairy legs. It’s more fun to pet a cat than a turtle, after all.” – quote in context

“Cause, you know, policewomen have nothing better to do while on duty that search out rich boys to hook up with. I thought mainstream media was having a love affair with the heroic and dignified police. Oh yeah, the police men.” – quote in context

The Ms. Boards: Shaving your _____ – a longish thread but one full of stopping points of interest. Obviously you know that shaving of any sort comes very close to invalidating your radfem status but if you have enough justifications they will sometimes forgive the mortal sin. All the standard silliness is here, from telling you your boyfriend is a loser to the old saw that anyone who like shaven or trimmed women is a child molester. We even get a side trip into the land of “don’t wash with soap”. Oh, and in case you didn;t know, 17 year old girls shouldn’t care about boys (or girls I assume).

Your public hair is not your own you anyway, it’s a political battleground that will give your “man” ammunition to hurt other women in the future!

To be honest I like shaven girls. Not necessarily totally bare “down there” but I am big, big fan of the “porn trim” look… short, shaped and shaved everywhere else below the neck and certainly underarms and legs. My personal preference is legs shaved all the way up but usually I am pretty happy with up to the knee on most girls. I just love the way smooth skin feels. I think the whole shaving ritual is a turn on.. the more shaved skin, the better 🙂

“As I thought more about our beauty standards, I started cutting down on my shaving. First I stopped shaving my pubes, then my thighs, my pits, my toes…” – quote in context

“If you don’t mind having pubic hair showing on the edges of your bathing suit, then by all means go for it. If there are obscenity ordinances against it, then there shouldn’t be.” – quote in context

“Neither is washing with soap! The area should just be rinsed with warm water. [… snip …]  If you keep using soaps, douches or feminine deodorants your vagina will START smelling funny just from that! Cotton undies and plain water is the very best. And – leave those precious hairs” – quote in context

“I heard some 17 yr. olds discussing this very topic, and being a 17 yr. old myself, I was apalled. The whole cleanliness thing came up, but mostly, pleasing the boyfriend was the big concern. [… snip …] Anyhow, I just thought it was disturbing to hear such (young) girls discussing this. Am I off base here, or do I have a point?” – quote in context

“So, do what you want, but please don’t call it feminist and please be careful to tell men you sleep with that you are *not* the norm. I hope like hell women aren’t going on to men about how it feels so much better and is so much cleaner! They remember that stuff and use it later to hurt other women.” – quote in context

“I agree with Arielle. If some guy asked me to change anything he would be ousted.” – quote in context