Catch up kiddies…

Sheesh! Three whole days with no update – how did you people survive without me? I don’t have much time to update at the moment but here’s your short list:

  • Today I go pick up a check from Client “S” they have owed me for a while. This is an extremely good thing.
  • We managed to get our workout equipment up to the room on Sunday
  • The project for client “R” is going great, we are on time and kicking ass. We send them an invoice today and we might get a check cut as early as this Friday.
  • Some new work is on the horizon, and that is a really, really good thing.
  • Tatsumi is kicking ass at school, you go girl!
  • Kimiko is doing well at the Dojo, she always seems to pick up [[wp:Judo]] pretty fast.
  • My weekend was really good as my personal life improves.
