That creeps me out… quick, fire him!

It’s been a while, I have some threads work looking at… I will be spacing them into separate posts as I get the time.

The Ms. Boards Prof having affair with student – This is a great one. A forum poster sees a professor with a female student and gets bent out of shape. The general consensus? It doesn’t matter what’s really going on, if she’s upset then something must be done!

“I don’t know why exactly this is freaking me out so much. It just feels very weird to have to sit in class with the two of them-which is today at 4:30-and wonder if they are having a relationship. I don’t know, perhaps it was totally innocent, but it looked *very* weird.” – context

Of course, as you can imagine the responses were intelligent and reasonable…

“Might be fun to write on the blackboard that “Prof. Pervert likes to fuck his students with his nasty-ass smegma wand, so beware” before anyone shows up for class.” – context

Remember, who cares what’s going on! The new [[wp:puritans]] are on the case!

“But anyhow, a relationship between those two is clearly in violation of the policy. I think it’s your right as a student to insist that this policy be followed. If the profs think they can fuck their grad students, that is entirely likely to create a hostile environment for you personally.” – context

Maybe there is hope? Nah.

“sounds like a disgusting asian fetishist. report him, he needs a kick in the balls.” – context

The thread then degenerated into a witch hunt trying to decide who was really a guy among the posters. To be fair, a number of peopel did also mention that she might want to leave it alone – but only because they assumed the guy would try and ruin her life.