I’ll kick your ass! and other links…




Some links for your amusement ๐Ÿ™‚

  • ORG A Random Quote From Ayn Rand – “Since time immemorial and pre-industrial, ‘greed’ has been the accusation hurled at the rich by the concrete-bound illiterates who were unable to conceive of the source of wealth or of the motivation of those who produce it.”
  • War Quotes – semi famous and unknown quotes… “We will see how they will feel after a few more weeks and months or what have you of continuously pounding them into pieces.”
  • Matchstick Rockets – “Matchstick rockets are actual fully functional rockets that you can build in minutes from common household materials. They are also quite safe since each rocket is constructed from just one solitary little paper match. There just ain’t enough propellent to explode no matter how badly you go wrong in construction.”
  • Penny Arcade! 06-30-2003!  – A very, very funny little cartoon ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Verbal Attack The emails of Dave Suthibut – Dave applies for a high PR internship – “A collection of emails from a fighter against the forces of corporate greed and tyranny”