And I was all like…

Well, Tatsumi and I have been working like dogs for a while now on the project for clent “R”.  No time to sleep, no time for much of anything. The stress was and still is crazy. I got a small chance to breath every now and then, and when I did I have been saving things to put on the blog for you guys.

This is snip from one of those rare moments.. It should give you an idea of my mental state.

Me:        I used to have a LOT of trouble talking to girls.
Me:        Then I realize you have to open the barrel or they cant hear you.
Kimiko:   Morse code
Me:       …..L…..E…..T………M…..E……..O…U….T…..Y….O…U….S……I….C….K…..B…A….S..T….A……R…..D…..
:        and I’m all like…. I love you too honey….
Me:        and she was all like “tap, tap , tap, bang, bang, tap”
Me:        and I was like SHUT UP BITCH
Me:        and then I was like “I don’t need to take this from you! You’re just a barrel! You don’t even have eyes!”
Me:        Then Flagg is all like … dude, there isn’t a girl in that one.
Me:        and I was all like…. dammit.

The horrified comments of others have been edited out 🙂