Lazy Sundays…




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Hey eveybody it’s a quarter to 8. It’s Sunday July 27, 2003.

By the way, if somebody could transcribe this entry and the one previous and send it to me at [email protected], s-o-u-l-h-u-n-t-r-e. That would be pretty cool.

Tatsumi just headed home, we had a pretty good weekend. I’m gonna actually take a 45 minute nap or so and then I’m gonna have to work through the night to finish getting my machine set up and finish up some development for Client “s” that’s been languishing. So I’ve got to get that dealt with so I can help Tatsumi out with some stuff during the week.

So I’ll be up all night. Anybody who wants to talk to me, you know when I’ll be on. I should have my Trillian messenger thingy up by 10 or 11 o’clock tonight.

Bye Bye