Bad games, worse movies and BDSM…




X-Entertainment The ROBOCOP VCR Game! – “My new fascination is hiring someone to find every instance of ‘Orion Pictures’ in print so they can scribble ‘…CAUSED BAD GAME’ under them with a permanent marker. This new fascination is admittedly fleeting, but at least it doesn’t have any substantial ties to that awful sequel.”

Belle, submissives, BDSM, centerfolds, sexy spreads – “Well, we certainly have, so we tracked down Belle, one of the sexiest subs in the San Francisco area, and took an interesting look into what drives this hottie to seek delicious discipline.”

Boston Globe Online – Living Arts – Fools for love – “I’m sorry to have to disappoint you. Not that ”Gigli” isn’t a failure on almost every level — it is. But the Martin Brest film is merely an overlong, joyless, and inconsequential affair, full of dead air, and possessing only a few moments of jaw-dropping bad taste. It’s a dull disaster.”

GIGLI – 1-2 (R) – “Gigli and Ricki get to like each other very, very much, even though she makes it perfectly clear that she is a lesbian. So resolute is the movie in its idea of her character that she doesn’t even cave in and have a conversion experience, which is what we’re expecting, but remains a lesbian–as indeed, as a good lesbian, she should.”

Gigli Sucks! Metafilter – “Rarely do entertainment journalists have as fine an occasion to cut loose and shower their barbs as the opening of Gigli”

GIGLI – “I ordinarily don’t like to go after an easy target.  It used to be a blast to mock the French, but then everyone started doing it after that country didn’t back efforts to root out nonexistent weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (how could they, les bastards!).  I tried applying the same logic to Gigli, at least before I saw it.”

Harv was there – way cool tombstone