Teen hotties and sweating asses…




Radikal round up ๐Ÿ™‚

The Ms. Boards Prime Time Porn – amidst some serious hand wringing about a show that might come on in prime time daring to suggest that someone 16 might be thinking about sex, comes this tidbit a few amusing tidbits:

“Pornography is the same as people/media betraying minorities in a blatant negative, offensive matter. Would that be okay with society? No – in fact there are tons of groups that are well-funded to “educate” people against ever doing that and censorship is never brought up. Men always bring up censorship because they are making TONS of $ from degrading women. ” – quote in context

“I work with kids when I’m not being o.a.g., and I know one seventh grader and one eighth grader whose mommies or daddies BOUGHT them the Playboy bunny necklace, which they proudly wear to school.
so it’s like, where do you begin with that one? i am going to ask the principal to include it in the list of dress code violations. the girls are totally clueless when you talk to them about it.” – quote in context

Now that the world is safe from anyone who might enjoy their sexuality… lets get back to discussing the “real issues” that all those curvy real women seem to be having this summer.

The Ms. Boards SAS Sweaty Ass Syndrome – you know, it’s pretty common, and not the sort of thing you woudl want to discuss in a non feminist forum.

“In the summer I sweat from the small of my back all the way to my ass and I hate it. Everything else on my body will be cool as a cucumber, but when I get up out of a plastic chair my shorts are damp and sometimes there is a faint butt print left in the chair. Gross, I know, but whats a girl to do???” – quote in context