Thank god for implants…




On the general topic of bodies… it looks like breast implants will be back in the world of silicone. The [[wp:FDA]] has apparently realized that vague evidence and huge lawsuits aren’t the same thing as science.

  • OpinionJournal – Scene & Heard – “Thanks for the Mammaries” – The allegation of side effects was always a secondary, if convenient, concern for the women’s groups. The real insult was women ponying up $6,000 to look like the Barbie dolls the feminists insisted all right-thinking women should resent. They’ve now been left to weakly protest that the FDA should keep a hand on the procedure, since, as one activist said, “the benefits are so small compared to the very real risks.”
  • Silicone Implants Reconsidered ( – “In 2000, the congressionally funded Institute of Medicine published a review of research on silicone gel implants and concluded that they were not responsible for causing diseases such as breast cancer and connective tissue diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. The institute finding was considered something of a rebuke to the FDA.”

Obviously, the gals over in the radikal feminist camp were screaming:

  • The Ms. Boards right to choose breast implants – “As a feminist, the problem I have with cosmetic breast implants is that I feel dreadfully sad when I think of women being brainwashed into thinking that they are not acceptable as they are. But Goddess, the idea of cutting open a healthy body simply for cosmetic purposes takes my breath away. Such an act of violence towards one’s own self.”
  • The Ms. Boards Silicone Breast Implants Comeback – “The jump in the numbers of women getting implants really worries me. But it didn’t shock me. Not when damn near every “women’s magazine” is compelled to run a “I did it for me” story and you can finance plastic surgery the same way you would a boat.”