Life, time and other sh*t ๐Ÿ™‚




So, what’s been going on you ask? Lots!

There is a bunch of work going on here. We have to get ready to head out to DragonCon and that means getting publicity stuff together, for both the [[girl2|girls]] and for some company stuff. The project is alive and well ๐Ÿ™‚

In addition to that, we have some big client stuff going on, currently there are three active clients, and possibly another on the way. it is crucial now to manage my time and make sure it all gets done. The work is good… but management will be crucial.

Ok… sleep time for me I think, I need to crash so I can get up and get on with it int he morning, I will be spending the night with Tatsumi and I want to be free and clear when the time comes.