Live from the land of dragons…




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Hey Everybody!  It’s 2:45am on 8.29.2003.

I’m down here at DragonCon.  We had an interesting flight down.  Nothing really dangerous, just a couple of delays.  We’re in an absolutely gorgeous hotel.  We’re down here for, well, DragonCon, like I said.  You can check it out at

I’ll be updating my photo blog with my phone as we go along so go look at  And that’s about it.

If you get to the DragonCon site and take a look at the schedule, you can see the kinda things I’ll probably wind up spending my time on.  I’m heavy into the role-playing online business aspects.  And there’s a lot of Buffy stuff going on.

The girls are having a good time and it’s all good.  We had some good room service and we’re going to get to sleep.

I’ll talk to ya later on.  Bye-bye.