book larnin’ is for wimps…




audio message...

Hey Everybody! It’s right around 10 o’clock in the morning on September 1st.

This is it! The last day of the DragonCon. Sorry if I haven’t blogged enough for ya. I’ve been taking a lot of pictures on the phone though.

Lets see, I’ve got 2 classes today and then at 1:30 we have to start getting ready to head home. And, well, there ya go. It’s going to be busy. We’re going to be on the plane. I’ll probably blog from the airport.

We’ve been having a good time. I’ve been learning a lot of stuff I need to know, so that’s all good. And I’ll be blogging about the whole experience when I get home.

So enjoy. Have a good day. And I’ll talk to y’all later on.