They don’t HATE you – they just think you are evil…




Radwatch! Here are some of the threads I have found amusing – sadly I don’t have the time for much commentary.

The Ms. Boards Miss America a feminist – best quote? Yes, we demonstrated every year, loudly and well, until we ran them out of the city and county in Santa Cruz. Ann Simonton wore a dress made out of meat one year, that was great!”

The Ms. Boards Sheila Jeffreys and piercing-tattooing – ack! – remember, if you have a tattoo you hate yourself.

The Ms. Boards The Skin Wars – god help us, teens might know that they can dress sexy!

The Ms. Boards Global women flooding local dating market – an odd mix of upset about it all and an undercurrent of fear that now it will be even harder for bitter, unshaven women who blame men for all the evil in the world to get dates.

The Ms. Boards Blatantly anti-feminist commercials! – the usual stuff, too funny ๐Ÿ™‚