Small God, big ego.




You wouldn’t think anyone could sneak up on a predator, especially one that is awake though still stretching off the sluggishness that comes from  long sleep. Yet that’s what happened to me today. I was asked not to reply, so I am not… directly.

As always the forest seems to be cloaked in a blanket of snow. That was good, the clean air felt fine against his fur, and the silence suits the current mood of anticipation. Odd how the snow always makes it seem like you can hear everything in the still air… but it muffles to. Growls carry for miles, but footsteps make no noise at all.

As Cat looked over the forest, cleaning his fur and for the moment content in the manner of predators who know where the food is and are sure they have the abilities to acquire it, something strange happened.

A hand.

From nowhere a hand came and stroked the deep black fur. Just a touch, a small offer of comfort that held respect and trepidation. Then it was gone before the head turned or the ears could swivel. Gone like a ghost. Maybe a small laugh through the trees like the sound of a smile.

The snow it seems hides many things, even as it offers clarity.

I got an odd email this afternoon. A message that reminded me that the things I saw go to a wider audience than just those I discuss things with each day. It seems I have had a friend out there, someone I have helped and may ultimately have been both a comfort and torment to. Odd. Odd and humbling. Thanks for your kind words, and best of luck to you. Don’t be such a stranger over the next decade, I don’t bite!

It would seem that I am the most fortunate type of Small God, and I need never fear oblivion ๐Ÿ™‚

Oh, one other thing. The note mentioned that they had been reading my emails on lists for 9 years. I have no idea if I have come a long way in all that time or not. All I know is that I feel clearer and stronger now than I ever have… and I owe that to my friends and most importantly my [[Girl2|girls]]. Thank you.