“Dude, don’t make fun of me or I’ll have my wife kick your ass!”

LP rUl3Z!

I can’t help it, I love LP. They music is good and the guys have a sort of down to earth thing going that I like. They are talented, cutting edge in a way in many media and underneath there is a serious geek core. Everyone can relate to something. Below is a list of sites to go visit… and under that is a number of funny quotes from interviews.

Official Sites:

Fan sites:

Note: Not in any real particular order, so check em all out. Most have forums and other features I didn’t list here.

Interview Quotes:

Question: You guys had a great year last year …….. what you gonna do this year?
Mike: we’re going to fail and break up and joe’s going to sell out and start doing dolls and tampon ads.

“I’m the most important person ever” -Chester

“..we have a real connection with are fans, and are fans are the best fans in the world” -Chester

Chester: “We really like each other”
Mike: “Well he likes me, i can’t stand him”

Mike: “We dont know what this video (osc) is about. Joe, our Dj, is the only one who knows what its about, and he wont tell us.”
Chester: “He’s an alien anyway.”

“We never wanted it to be where you said ‘Okay, here’s the hip hop verse, here’s the hard rock chorus, here’s the electronica bridge.”

“Naturally, if you have all these different styles of music thrown at you every day, people are going to start combining them.”
-Chester Bennington

“I am like the king of all things intense”

Mike: I’m not a very reading person, I like to look at pictures.
Chester: Mike likes porno.
Mike: I don’t like porno. I like graphics…

Chester: There was another time when Mike was in a really foul mood and we had to make a pit stop so he could use a porta potty.
Mike: Chester?!
Joe: I remember this one!
Chester: Anyways, Mike went to use the porta potty and we were waiting inside the RV. It was Joe’s idea, but we all got out and started to rock the thing back and forth. We didn’t mean to, but we ended up tipping the porta potty over while Mike was in it!
Mike: That was so not funny.
Joe: Yeah it was, you should have seen the look on your face when you got out of there!
Rob: Mike was covered in crap. He had to strip down before we let him back on the bus because he smelled so bad!
Chester: Then we attacked him with air freshener.
Brad: Lysol!

Q: “What was the hardest part about making the album?”
Mike: Sitting in the same room with Brad for two months. But then we got on tour and it just got worse.
Brad: I didn’t shower a lot then.
Mike: He showers less now.

Q: “Is there any female influence in particular to any of your songs?”
Mike: Musically, I’m a big fan of Dido. I also like a ton of female groups from Kitty to Madonna to Sneaker Pimps. Portishead. If you ask Brad, he’ll tell you he loves his Britney Spears.
Brad: I love Britney Spears.
Mike: She’s a big influence on his guitar playing, especially.
Brad: She drives me crazy.

Chester on their strangest fan: “There’s this 13-year-old kid from Pittsburgh. He comes up to us and goes, ‘I’m stalking you dude, and when you reach the peak of your success, I’m going to kill you.’ Then, during the show he’s down the front telling Mike that he wants to ‘rape his soul’! I think that’s cool, but he probably needs to chill out a bit.”

Brad: We like to hold hands and comb each other’s hair in our spare time.

Q: “What’s your plans for Valentine’s Day?”
Chester: Masturbation

Q: “The mullet is making a comeback. Will we be seeing a red mullet on Chester Bennington at any point during OZZfest?”
Chester: Personally, I hate them. I think it’s a disgusting haircut. I think parents who force their young boys to wear mullets should be institutionalized. There’s no reason to ever have a mullet…Unless you’re doing it just to be a dork.
” So would you ever do that?”
Chester: Of course.

Q: “Brad, be a big-ass Gumby for Halloween.”
Brad: Actually, that would be good idea, but before Mike had red hair he actually once had green hair and he looked like Gumby, so that would be more appropriate for him.
Mike: I have red hair now that can work around it.

Brad: Mike, were you like in a pop group before Linkin Park?
Mike: I was in Menudo
Brad: I heard that you can sing and dance real nice.
Brad: Is it true you had a fight with Ricky Martin, and that’s why they kicked you out?
Brad: Or was it the age thing?
Mike: Ricky is an ass.
Mike: He’s just bitter ’cause my name was first on the first cd.

Mike: You know those guards with the hats? The ones that don’t move. Can you touch them? Can you, like, stick your thumb up their butts and they wouldn’t move? Brad: At that point wouldn’t they, like, destroy you?

Joe:Yeah, I’m a whore.
Brad: Rather than just stealing your s**t they ask if they can steal it. Chester came back into the dressing room without his shoes or clothes or basically anything on him. He was like, “You know what, people are so polite about taking my stuff that I gave it to them.”

Joe in High School: I wasn’t a geek, but I was into art. I was one of the guys who the other kids were like, “Oh, you draw. Could you draw a picture of me?” They’d ask me dumb questions like “Where did you learn to draw?”

Chester: We’re so boy bandish, aren’t we? I think its because of my strikingly good looks.
Mike: I think its because of your strikingly bad looks.
Chester: I totally disagree. I think I’m the most important person ever.
Mike: I think Chester’s full of himself and I think thats really hot!
Chester: Yeah, sometimes at night your full of me too.

Mike: I have a toothbrush. My toothbrush is sexy!!

Q: “What do you do for fun?”
Chester: We make fun of Mike’s head.

Q: “Which of your songs do you consider the hardest to play?”
Chaz: “The Song Remains the Same” by Led Zepplin.
Mike: Our songs, Chester
Chaz: Ohh…”Sympathy” by Beethoven.
Mike: Answer one question seriously at some point.
Chaz: Me?
Mike: It’s not just you, we’re all doing it.
Chaz: OK, I’ll be completely serious.
Mike: No, don’t be completely serious.

Chaz: For some reason we like each other.
Mike: He likes me a lot, and I can’t stand him.
Chaz: Oh, I guess not then.

Q: “Do you have any wild stories or embarrassing moments to share, while living on the road?”
Mike: I almost ran over Chester with a golf cart when we were in Florida.
Chaz: That was pure evil.

Chaz: Let me sing this part.
Mike: No, its my turn. HAHAHA.

Mike: A lot has been made of the contrast between me and Chester because we are totally different in a lot of ways. He’s crazy for a start off. I’m sane. He used to run around at the age of two singing Foreigner songs. I certainly didn’t. He’ll show you his butt. I wouldn’t inflict that on anybody. We learned early on in this band that you can’t have snobbery in music. Our guitarist is a huge Britney Spears fan!

Chaz: I’m actually a lab experiment. I was raised in a petri dish at the UCLA Biomedical Center.
Mike: And we just grew to like him, so we kept him around.
Chaz: And I just grew.

Mike: I think we were subliminally influenced for the bridge on “One Step Closer” by my neighbors: “Shut Up! I’m trying to sleep!”

Mike: We were on our way to where? Wichita but we ended up in Ditchita.

Joe: Mike walked over there, put a CD in, looked at the TV, sat on the table, and broke it in half!
Mike: OMG, I’m so bummed.
Joe: Stupid rockstar!
Mike: How funny is this? I put my fat a** on this table and broke it!

Mike: Mike is so hot…Oops, I mean Joe.

Brad: Did you know that I hear voices?
Mike: He does and sometimes they speak to us too.

Mike: We are making our way to actually becoming a boy band. Our first video is gonna have all of us in a shower wearing white linen suits, crying and pointing at the camera. We definitely want to start wearing matching outfits, choreographing, and lip-synching our live shows.

Mike: Chester and I met at a male strip club.
Chaz: We were both trying to get jobs there as dancers.
Mike: And it just didn’t work out…because my butt wasn’t big enough.
Chaz: Yeah, and I’ve got what they call the Krispy Kreme which is a little fat area around my belly button which is kinda like a donut.
Mike: It’s from eating too many donuts.

Mike: I chipped a tooth on a mic once. I hurt my back in the pit. Chester got spit on. We got human feces thrown on us. We got a sign one time when we were playing with Union Underground a couple of Months ago that said, “Go back to the suburbs.” Chester held it up and said, “We love fan mail.” In the beginning they were talking some trash but by the end they were signing up for our street team. Chester kissed both of them on the face. The kids standing around were rolling on the floor laughing. I’m trying to think because I know there have been way more casualties. We’ve been hit by broken things. Brad’s guitar has hit me in the head before. I actually threw up in my mouth in Des Moines.

Brad: I met Chester at the Brixton show in the U.K.
Mike: Chester signed my boob.
Joe: Me too.
Brad: I gave him a bracelet.

Q: “If forced by a gun point by a pack of militant mutant giraffes, would you done a tutu and sing ‘Sea Shanty’s’ live on TV?”
Mike: Sure. What color tutu? Would you sing with me?

Q: “You guys really don’t know what your next single’s gonna be?”
Chester: We have no idea.
Mike: Good job, Chester. Good boy.

Q: “Let’s talk about your success. You’ve sold over a million records…”
Mike: We’ve sold over a million records?
Chaz: We did?
“Have you?”
Mike: Whoa!!

Chester: And at the venue after soundcheck, we did four photo shoots, one after another.
Mike: It was like a photo shoot buffet!!

Chaz: When we’re not on tour I like to stalk the guys.
Mike: Yeah, he follows us around like a lost puppy dog.
Chaz: Woof, woof!!

Joe: Our fans are intelligent. They know their s**t.
Mike: Yeah, most of them know more about us then we do!!

Mike: Thank you, Brad. Brad is so kind. He’s here for my moral support. Without Brad I think I’d be pretty bummed out on tour, because he’s the only one who gives me any moral support. Everyone else makes fun of me – especially Mr. Hahn!!

Chaz: We kind of just like ninjas and dark tunnels and fire.
Mike: And guys with big hair that look like werewolves.
Chaz: Grr! Arr!

Mike: Rob!
Rob: Hi, hows it going?
Mike: Any thoughts, concerns?
Rob: No, just chilling with Big Ben.

Mike: We are renaming the band to Blinkin’Sync- 182.

Adam: Okay Chester, I just have to ask you this, but what’s up with your hair and your pants?
Chester: Dude, don’t make fun of me or I’ll have my wife kick your ass!
Dr. Drew: Huh?
Chester: I’m serious, she’ll whip out some mean karate moves on you. She packs a mean punch!
Joe: Judo chop!
Chester: Raaaar!!!

Brad: Jones soda rules!
Mike: I like the green apple.
Joe: Hehe green froggie apple!
Chester: Crushed mellon is good!
Rob: Hehehe you said mellon!
Mike: Mellon…Mellons…Bozoooooms!

Ryan: Those Linkin Park boys are crazy.
Chester: Yeah and so are those Orgy guys. They’re scary.
Mike: Very scary.

Chester: Joe and the guys keep on threatining me that on my next birthday they’re gonna kidnap me and let orgy give me a makeover!
Mike: Awwe stop whining!
Joe: Yeah you know you want to get all dressed up and be glamarific!

Joe: What the hell is it with you and Jiggly Puff’s?
Chester: What the hell is it with you and frogs?
Joe: Don’t disrespect the almighty froggie!
Chester: Oooooh I’m scared! Should I run?
Joe: Yes very, very fast.

Mike: We’re not like other bands you know. We actually visit our website and care about our internet fans. We visit as many fansites as possible.
Joe: Yes and I like to send threatending emails to people.
Phoenix: No you don’t.
Joe: Yes I do! Shh, its supposed to be a secret!

Mike: My walls are about three inches thick and my neighbours must have thought people were dying in my house! The whole neighbourhood could hear it!
Chester: And you’d hear someone go, “You fucking SUCK! Shut up!”
Mike: I think we were subliminally influenced for the bridge on ‘One Step Closer’ by my neighbours; “SHUT UP! I’M TRYING TO SLEEP!”
Chester: At ten o’clock every night, we’d hear (he bangs his fist against the wall) and that was our alarm, so we almost ended up naming the band ‘Ten PM Stocker’, ’cause we recorded on Stocker Street every night and at 10 PM, we had to stop.
Chester: That’s a really well thought out answer. Possibly because he’s answered that question 500 times in the past week?

Mike: Ryan (Shuck) drank Chester under the table one night and Chester was yarfing everywhere.
Chester: I am the yarf king! I can do anything!

Chester: Have you ever played the Penis Game?
Cane: WHAT?!
Chester: The Penis Game!
Cane: What the hell is that?!
Chester: Wanna play it with me?
Cane: Uh, no thanks!
Mike: Oh come on, you know you do!
Cane: Would someone mind telling me what the hell the Penis Game is?
Chester: Its where I slap you with my penis!
Joe: No its not! Someone says Penis really quietly and then someone else repeats but in a louder tone and then it keeps going and going until it gets really loud and the louded person wins!
Cane: Oh, okay.
Joe: Penis!
Brad: Phoenix has no penis!
Phoenix: Now that you mention it, my name kinda ryhmes with Penis!
Joe: No it doesn’t!

Chester: Shutup when I’m talking to you before I whip my friend out and give you mushroom stamps!
Mike: Yeah you’re little friend haha!
Chester: Oh you would know wouldn’t you.
Mike: Oh baby, you know it!

Joe: When we’re on tour, we like to pick on each other just for fun.
Mike: Yeah we make fun of Chester’s big ass.
Chester: I don’t have a big ass!
Phoenix: No, you have a ghetto booty!
Joe: Haha ghetto booty! I like that one haha!

Chester: When we’re not on tour I like to stalk the guys.
Mike: Yeah he follows us around like a lost puppydog.
Chester: Woof, woof!

Mike: (in a southern drawl) Ya’ll come back now ya hear!
Chester: Yeah so we can have some eatins and fixins!
Joe: Pork n beans!

Phoenix: Chester likes to grab his package like Michael Jackson.
Mike: I didn’t know Chester had a package?
Joe: Yeah its somewhere down there.

Joe: I want to get a pet frog and name it kermit! Or barky larky!
Chester: Barky larky?
Joe: Yeah got a problem with that?

Chester: I’m a big dork.
Mike: You have a big dork too.
Chester: Yes I know.

Joe: Chester has a bad mouth.
Chester: Fuck, fuck, fuck?
Mike: Bagawk!
Chester: I said fuck, not cluck!

Phoenix: Oh my God, they killed Kenny!
Chester: Huh? Lenny?
Joe: Lenny Kravitz?
Phoenix: No I said Kenny! Southpark, you know!
Chester: Mr.Hanky rules! Pooooooopoooo!

Chester: Scott Weiland is a God!
Mike: Yeah we know, you talk about him 24/7!
Chester: You’re just jealous!

Q: So how do you guys like fame?
Mike: We’re famous?
Chester: Are you sure?
Phoenix: Subfamous!
Mike: That’s craptacular!

Chester: Brad has stinky feet! It smells like a skunk died in both his shoes!
Mike: Yeah Chester likes to smell people’s shoes.
Chester: My shoes smell spiffy! Wanna sniff?

Mike: Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t.
Chester: And sometimes you feel like my nuts.

Mike: I’m going to sprout wings out of my ass one day and fly around the world.
Chester: Sounds like fun, can I join you?

Q: Speaking of which, the band recently enlisted former bassist Phoenix back into the group after having not played with him since your Xero days, how is the chemistry with him, and who handled the bass duties during the tracking of your latest album?
Mike: We wanted someone in the bus to beat up on. Since we hate Phoenix so passionately, he was the only logical choice.

Q: While performing live, band guitarist Brad is usually wearing large headphones, is there a distinct reason behind this or is he trying to make a fashion statement?
Mike: I don’t know. He won’t say. It’s just a big mystery.

Q: The video for your first single “One Step Closer” is quite eclectic and getting heavy rotation as of late, where did the whole kung fu ghost monk theme come from and is it actually you guys in the make-up?
Mike: Our DJ, MISTA HAHN, wrote the treatment for the video. It’s a scary look into his head, isn’t it?
Q: Nah, it’s completely normal to think of flying kung-fu ghost monks.. I do it all the time.

Q: With the way things are going, the possibilities seem endless for you guys, what should we expect from the band in coming months?
Mike: You shall see soon, my friend.

Q: do you do that pelvic thrust thing to hold it up?
Mike: that’s the only way to hold it up. you don’t understand, like people do that and it’s not like a style thing
Phoenix: it’s a neccesity, really
Mike: yah, it’s functional. like the pelvic thrust is functional adaptation
Phoenix: it’s called “going shotgun”, that’s the technical terminology for that rock and roll move ( mike has a fit of laughter in the background)
Mike: WORD

Mike: Most of us met a long time ago. Brad and I met in junior high and we met Rob in high school, we met Joe in college
Chester: and they made me in college in a chemistry class. They copied Frankenstein’s work and used pieces of dead people, which is why I have to wear this (touches his spiked collar), to hide the scar tissue.
Mike: except we were in art school. That was the whole problem. In art school, and there were no really good chemistry classes – so look what we came up with!

Metal-is: Well, it’s great to have a million-selling album – but then you have to follow it up
Mike: We’re just starting the first one, so when we get there, we’ll worry about that!
Chester: It’s only been two months!
Mike: Besides that, we know that we’re going to do a 150 hour jam session on the second album, so it won’t be able to compete with the first one, because it will be so entirely different, you won’t be able to compare it.
Chester: And we’re actually going to change the name again to the Ambient Guitar Tapping Group. Brad won’t actually be playing, he’ll just be tapping the body of the guitar, so the pick-ups pick up the vibration of the strings and it’ll be like “MmmmmmmmÖ.”
Mike: For 150 hours! And we’ll release it in 150 hour long CDs. And you’ll have to buy all of them to get the full piece.
Metal-is: You know, I don’t think I should print this, in case Pearl Jam see it
Chester: Waaaaagh! (Narrowly misses taking metal-is’ journalist’s eye out with his spiked collar as he jumps up and hugs her!)
Mike: Oh, that’s no dig on Pearl Jam!
Chester: Oh, you’re my favourite person – and I didn’t mean to turn you into a shish kebab!

Mike: You wouldn’t believe how dangerous it is to drive around with scented candles lit in the bus, but it’s necessary.
Chester: We actually got smart and bought sticky velcro and put on either side of the candles, so they wouldn’t roll around.

Metal-is: You just mentioned (hed) Planet Earth and you toured the States with them and Papa Roach recently. Was that all young-lads-out-on-the-road type fun?
Road: Yeah, that was a great tour. We actually became really good friends with all those guys.
Mike: Except for that damn Coby! He’s real mean to us! He has nothing nice to say, and he always makes fun of me and Chester! And BC from (hed) Planet Earth calls us a naughty word! BC kept calling me and Chester ‘vaginas’!
Chester: You know what else I noticed about BC? I kept seeing him kissing other men! (All laugh uproariously.) He even kissed me on the mouth once; I was like, “Dude, back off!”

Joe: I have a nice ass!
Chester: No,you have a bigass.
Mike: A big fatass
Some Person: Awwe, don’t make fun of Joe’s ass!
Joe: Hehehe you said ass!

Chester: And here is our bedroom
Brad: yeah it’s our bedroom
Chester: No, it’s not our bedroom, it belongs to my wife and I

Q: Do you have any wild stories or embarassing moments to share, while living on the road?Mike: I almost ran over Chester with a golf cart when we were in Florida.
Chester: That was pure evil

Chester: For some reason we like each other.
Mike: He likes me alot, and I can’t stand him.
Chester: Oh, I guess not then.

Mike: I think Chester is full of himself and I think thats really hot!
Chester: Yeah, sometimes at night, your full of me too.

Mike: Yeah, Chester is helping Ryan Shuck (of Orgy) out with his clothing line called Replicant.
Joe: Yeah, Chester is a fashion whore.
Chester: Fashion bitch! Its Fashion bitch, not fashion whore! There’s a big difference.
Joe: There is? Oh, I didn’t notice.

Phoenix: Chester likes anime porn.
Chester: Yes, and Chester likes other things too
Phoenix: Why are you talking in third person?
Chester: Because Chester feels like it. Now shutup and be a good boy and go clean your room.

Brad: I’m getting a new tattoo. It’s going on Chester’s left arm.
Joe: I’m getting flames on my wrists.
Brad: I’m getting Joes on my flames
Mike: I’m getting water on my wrists.
Brad: I’m getting wrists on my…I give up

Mike: Rob?
Rob: hi how’s it going?
Mike: any thoughts, concerns?
Rob: no, just chillin with Big Ben

Joe: Mike walked over there, put a cd in, looked at the t.v, sat on the table, and broke it in half!
Mike: OMG im so bummed
Joe: stupid rock star!
Mike: How funny is this? I put my fatass on this table and broke it!

Brad: What’s up, Linkin Park stuck in a ditch tour 2000.
Mike: We were on our way to where? Witchita but we ended up in Ditchita!

Mike: I met chester in a strip club.
Chester: Yeah we were both trying out for a job there.
Mike: Yeah but, my butt wasn’t big enough……

Chatroom Quotes:

<joe> Do not upset Mr Hahn!

<Mike> moo!

Q: when did you really start considering singing as a career?
<Chester-> When I was born!

<Chester-> Favorite song to play is Papercut
<Chester-> so I guess thats my favorite song

<Chester-> my favorite movie that I have seen recently is Vanilla Sky

<Chester-> No you cant join the band if you murder us it has to be by natural causes you butthole!

<Chester-> My favorite stone temple pilots song off their new album .. shangri-la di da.. is WONDERFUL

<Chester-> Yes.. I want to tatoo my entire body.. but.. unfortunately.. Im so skinny.. that wont be too hard

Q: Chester, Will The Morning After be on your new CD
<Chester-> Probably not. That was a song that I wrote about 6 years ago and I just play every once and a while .. just for fun.

<Phoenix-> I started playing in high school when I was 15

<Phoenix-> Anytime we’re in LV, we always hit the tables a bit

Q: Do you plan on touring with Orgy?
<Phoenix-> Touring with Orgy is always a possibility, but we won’t be touring after March for a while

Q: What do you think of Staind?
<Phoenix-> Staind’s greaT

Q: do you still keep in contact with Mark Wakefirld?
<Mike-> Mark is a close friend, were getting together tomorrow night