



MY Aunt has just been moved to [[e2:ICU]] and is having some trouble breathing. I am taking a cab over there now with Kimiko. I send a text message to Tatsumi who is currently in school.

To be honest, I have not asked her to come flying down here (again) to be with us here – there is no immediate danger, and if she drops her whole life every time there is some minor glitch this will be a long week. If we get any indications of real danger, I’ll call her and I know she’ll come.

Dammit. This is [[wp:pneumonia]], this isnt the plague and it isn’t [[wp:AIDS]]. People aren’t supposed to be in danger from this crap anymore.

If you have a god, give him a call for me. Cause if I have one he never listens to a word I say… maybe that’s why I don’t bother.