Flash! Insane feminists hate men…




The Ms. Boards: What do men have to do to give up their privilege – so let’s see. Men are scum… and now we should make sure we put our necks on the chopping block so that we can turn into the spineless losers the radfems want us to be. There is so much insanity in the thread as a whole I can only tell you you really have to go read it. Effectively men should collectively say “we suck” and welcome our new man hating feminist overlords.

The most amusing list of demands is in this post and this post;  I picked some of them of the list below:

  • “In a divorce, they should not seek custody unless the children’s mother has been found or could be found guilty of child abuse in a court of law.”
  • “They should hold consciousness raising sessions with other men in which men work to understand and eliminate their own misogyny and in which they brainstorm how they will give up male privilege.”
  • “They should come to terms with the understandable rage against men which the women in their lives may feel and express and they shouldn’t strike back, become resentful, or feel sorry for themselves.”
  • “If their woman partners don’t want them to hang out with the guys, or with a certain guy, they shouldn’t. And they shouldn’t complain. And they shouldn’t resent it, either.”
  • “They should be faithful and loyal friends to and supporters of women without ever even *thinking* about getting laid, but if they accidentally think about it, they should fucking PRETEND they never did.”
  • “They should care about the earth, trees, growing things, wildlife, the air we breathe, the water we drink and should work to see that all of these are protected; in other words, they should become environmental activists.”