Sweat Hogging and panic…




So a few days ago there was this amusing article called “Big Game Hunters” in a small paper. It was interviews and information about what is called [[e2:sweat hogging]] – i.e. going out and sleeping with a seriously overweight or unattractive woman because it might be the fastest way to get laid. Some of these guys then regale their friends with stories of the encounter, or compare notes on who managed to survive the more desperate evening.

Cruel? Yeah, probably. Are the stories funny? Sometimes. I know over the years I have heard some truly amazing tales of encounters with L-A-R-G-E women, and they always left me gasping for air. Of course, the friends of mine who tell the tales are incredibly funny people, so any story is usually hilarious anyway.

Now, this is a close relative to the concept of the [[e2:wingman]][[[ud:wingman|1]]]- that is when one of a group of guys will go ahead and feign interest in the [[e2:ugly friend]][[[ud:ugly friend|1]]] so that his buddies can have a shot with the pretty girls. I am pretty sure that this whole “sweat hogging” thing is simply a wingman who finds out he kind of likes it. Hard to say.

Anyway, predictably the folks at Ms. went crazy. I agree that the term and the way the guys talk about it all is mean, but I somehow don’t think the whole world will end. If you’re a woman and you think this is happening to you, by all means slap that bastard… but try not to spend your whole life in therapy about it.