English manners and ugly dresses…




Ok… time to clean out the old browser….

  • Deb’s Historical Research Page – intended for use by people writing romance novels, Deb’s page is pretty useful for all sorts of research. Covering mostly English traditions and oddities of society. Including such links as…
  1. Unarmed defence against a dagger : Techniques from Achille Marozzo, 1536
  2. Correct Forms of Address – a discussion of British address customs including charts relating social status to title in a matrix of possible combinations.
  • Third Reich in Ruins – This page presents photos of historical sites associated with Germanyโ€™s Third Reich (1933-1945), both as they appeared while in use, and as the remains appear today.
  • Ugly Wedding Dress of the Day – what it sounds like ๐Ÿ™‚
  • ASL’s LEGO Page – [[wp:Escher]] images redone in [[e2:Lego]].
  • CGI Gateway to MX Record Lookup
  • Forum — Quotes – some cool quotes!
  • The Greeking Machine – generates placeholder text like…. “Meus in gemino feugait nisl huic quis odio consequat iriure modo blandit molior amet. Virtus consequat te, duis facilisis melior consequat eligo damnum probo demoveo suscipere. Lobortis refoveo melior consequat lucidus qui, vel damnum consequat nulla. Reprobo venio nulla lucidus suscipit, eu praesent natu, qui capio consequat.”