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So, you want to know what’s happening? Let me clue you in. I can sum up the core concept here by quoting a wise and learned sage:
“Ray, when someone asks you if you’re a god, you say YES!!” – Winston Zeddemore, Ghostbusters
With that in mind I want to take a moment to discuss the changing world of my little slut, Tatsumi. As you know doubt have noticed over the years Tats and I have been in and out of various power configurations… always orbiting each other but never really figuring it all out. There are reasons for all of that, and those are the subject of other posts both past and future. In the end it comes down to that I wasn’t ready to press the issue – and she wasn’t going to crack until I did. This is an issue of pressure, context and willpower.
A state change.
Now we all know that Tatsumi is a smart girl. She has a lot of skills and a lot of determination – she can be a bear to go up against when you’ve pissed her off and she is a formidable force in business and other arenas. I respect her for that, it is exactly those qualities that make her more than jsut another girl with a pretty face – her strengths make her useful. Or rather, they will make her useful once I have taught her her fucking place and made sure she doesn’t forget what that place is.
No doubt you all have an idea of how I think good girls are supposed to act, and what they are supposed to be and do. Speaking as a Sir, Trainer and Daddy I have very specific ideas on these topics. Ideas that I have been hesitant to put into action because of misplaced self doubt and a completely correct and reasonable idea of the context and our relative place in our growth cycle. In other words, while I may and did avoid throwing my power around because I was concerned about my skills I also knew that the time wasn’t right.
It would be easy for me to cop out and not tell you that my self doubts were there and focus only on the fact that the time wasn’t right… because even if I was confident I would have been wise to wait till this context to make my move. I won’t do that though. I won’t lie to you or myself… it isn’t my way.
Over the last few months then the little slut and I have been finding that the connection was growing, getting stronger and deeper. We were flexing our wings and finding out the were almost dry enough to take out for a test spin. We had a nice little scene with some sadism, some sex and a lot of dirty talk then WHAM – she took a chance and let me know that she craved my forgiveness for something… and I could tell she knew there was something she had fucked up. In the past I would not have followed along with this – it wasn’t really my style even though I wanted to do it because I don’t normally do the punishment thing as play. Then I realized that this wasn’t play… this was deadly serious. A quick look around showed me the problem:
This little girl was running around without any mark of her place on her. Even though she knew I liked her to wear an anklet chain to remind her of me.
Of course I wasn’t officially in a position to demand this. She hadn’t consented to being under my orders in a specific way. In fact, it was exactly that reason that I had let this sort of thing slid in the past few years… because she wasn’t in the right place to be pushed and I wasn’t comfortable pushing. We both knew though that without either of us really noticing things had shifted. it was right there… all I had to do was make a decision.
u·ni·lat·er·al adj. – Performed or undertaken by only one side.
I decided that I wasn’t going to let it slid anymore. I decided that this was the time for me to change the course of our relationship. I decided that any part of her personality or behavior I didn’t like I was going to change… whether she agreed to it or not. If she gets out of line I am simply going to kick her ass till she gets her shit together… it isn’t about what she wants because she didn’t have to agree to it in the first place. I am well acquainted with how to train people, alter them and shape them. What is new to me here is doing it to this degree without overt, explicit consent.
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Pretty slut… |
Obviously she is thrilled and horrified at the moment, this is what she has wanted and feared for years. The shift in context means that now she knows I can do this – that I have grown to the point where I really am bigger than she is. She is happy for now, but if she ever pulls back and tries to stop the changes then she is going to be one very unhappy little cunt… unless he manages to be much more trouble than she can manage to be good for – then she will be one lonely little cunt.
Tatsumi will always be Daddy’s girl. And she has always known what Daddy wanted from her – but now she knows that Daddy has had it up to here with her not knowing her place, and Daddy/Sir has decided to put his foot down and fix it.
She’s my girl. I am her Daddy. Her ass belongs to me… that’s just the way it is for little girls.