Long time, no blog…




So things are moving right along… the big news of late is that it looks like my tooth problem is finally fixed. After three procedures, 2 root canals, a bout of projective vomiting and 8 [[e2:Vicodine]]… I think it is over.

What a nightmare.

The good news? The girls took good care of me. Kimiko got stuck with me being a bastard for the better part of a week and Tatsumi was a total angel during the night last night – a night of horror. I don’t really remember it all… I had a fever, my mouth was killing me and I was whacked our of my mind on various ineffective pain killers.

As far as I can tell, every time my mouth hurt I found a way to make my toy whimper and cry to distract me. She took it like a total champ and still had the energy to yell at my dentist this morning.

There is nothing in life like the focused care and attention of a smart, pretty girl to make you feel like a man. It just get better when you realize that bruse on her ribs is shaped like your fist.

In other news, the Girl2 cherry has been officially broken, it would seem that the camera was watching as I celebrated feeling better by making proper use of the mouth and throat of the little slut. Hope they enjoyed watching ๐Ÿ™‚

BTW – if you’re emailing me… it’ll be a day or two till I get to you. I have to re-load my box thanks to a bit of corruption. Anyway, it will be a day till I get email all set up.

p.s. three years ago I spoke about “bricks”. that essay was about a spefic example of a brick. You’ll be happy to know that she is still on most of the lists I am on, nothing has changed and she is still a brick.