The Matrix: Resolutions…




I was going to sleep. Really. I promise. Then I made a mistake:

“Maybe I should check [[Slashdot]] I said to myself, keep up on the industry… maybe laugh at a zealot or two before sleep.” – says I.

Anyway, they had a post there about something called “The Matrix: Resolutions“. Resolutions is in it’s own words “167 Days of Fan Speculation, Revisited“. There is a lot of funny stuff in there, so go check it out. I’ll pull a quote or two for ya:

“Or maybe not. To the surprise of many fans already sketching fairly graphic notebook drawings of slaughtered machines with smoke pouring out of their eye cavities, Revolutions instead gave us man and machine, living in some kind of weird state of… not-war. (Sadly, no word has been invented for this yet).

This confused and outraged many Matrix fans, who’d already spent hours on the web explaining that man and computers could never really live in such a state of harmony and mutual benefit. Many of the typos in their posts were, in fact, a result of their other hand being occupied with the .45 automatic they were pointing threateningly at their monitor as they typed.” – quote in context

And this:

The “Matrix as Holiday Inn” theory does admittedly fit into existing Matrix mythology perfectly, so long as you ignore any scene with machines or humans in it, since every one involves a machine either attempting to murder humans or discussing how much they’re going to enjoy murdering humans later with their human-murdering bombs, human-eviscerating tentacles and giant human-flattening drill bit technology. – – quote in context

While I was there, I found some links… so now you can have them: