




I had a great day with the [[girl2|girls]] today. I’m just gonna bullet point:

  • Saw a great punching/kicking/take down [[wp:BDSM]] seminar today. It was presented by Fifth Angel and he is a blast to watch.
  • Attended a reasonably useful demo of hypnosis later that afternoon. Feel free to check out the coming Tatsumi log entry in the [[girl2|Girl2]] members only blog about orgasming in front of 30 strangers.
  • We took Kimiko to our piercer and had her clit and labia jewelry changed to much smaller rings. SHe doesn’t dangle as much now so it’s pretty cool.
  • Went to a showing of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and I honestly can’t tell you if you will think it is good or if youw ill think it sucks. Personally? I think it sucked. Not being a huge fan of [[e2:slasher]] flicks I suppose it is possible it is a perfect example of them… but it left me cold. While I did jump at a few of the boogey boogey type scenes the entire movie is overwhelmingly… silly. Someone seems to think that if you make a movie as ugly as possible for every single frame that is good. What is good is looking at Jessica Biel for an hour but you don’t need this movie for that.