Bad drives and hot chicks..




Man, some days suck in the corners.

Overall, my weekend was great. Time with the [[girl2|girls]] just keeps getting better and better. Some cool discussions about the relationship(s) with both Tatsumi and Kimiko, some great sex and some cool [[wp:BDSM]]. Rock on.

In the minus column, I lost a hard drive in my internal network’s domain controller. That’s 53 gig of data that was totally offline. It looks like I will be able to recover it (thanks to some great software) but I won’t be able to trust that drive again. Fortunately a family member has offered to buy me a replacement drive for the holidays and I am going to jump on the chance.

Anyway, I am off to watch Extreme Martial Arts and wish I had a sword ๐Ÿ™‚