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Pirelli |
Ok, lot’s to do today buts lets see what those among us who can’t quite get a grip on the concept of personal freedom or diversity are doing over the holidays. It’s time for another episode of “spot the radikal”.
This episodes theme is “anyone who doesn’t agree with me has a mental problem”. Basically, it goes like this…. if you hate the world and your place in it you can only conclude that everyone else in that society has a mental illness but you. So to all those who don’t agree with me – your just dealing with your own abuse :: snaps ::
What should you do if your partner slaps you:
This is an interesting thread. Underlying it is the assumption that no matter what anyone might be doing to you, slapping them is never the right answer. Consider that at times this comes from posters who have admitted throwing things at their spouse, destroying his property and physically assaulting him (but that’s not a problem, they are victims of the patriarchy). LEt’s look in on one particularly amusing example of double think.
“I think this is a really good question. My partner one day was getting really frustrated with a variety of things, then I was getting into his car and he went to move his toolbox for him, which opened spilling all his tools onto the driveway in the rain. I said something like, “well, you’ll remember to close it properly next time,” and he grabbed me by the upper arms and shook me briefly. It was hard enough to shock me and bring tears to my eyes. I went in the house and locked the door and wouldn’t talk to him for three days.” – quote in context
So “mermer” is traumatized for three days or more and has spent years talking about what an abusive guy this partner was because he shook her. Years of trauma. Let’s put aside how tin foil hat worthy three days of trauma for being shaken is…
“I was teaching a grade 11 class that was pretty unruly. One day a student was bugging another student about his weight. I asked the student to leave, he refused. I demanded he go into the hallway, or go straight to the office. He refused. Meanwhile, his taunts were riling up the larger student, who was obviously just barely controlling his temper. The student made one more comment, I could see the other student about to lose it, so I kicked the offender in the shins!!! That shut him up! I apologized and felt horrible and considered quitting the profession. I stuck it out, make amends with the class, was forgiven by the student, and life went on.” – quote in context
That’s “mermer” again. Same person, same post. Now, as an adult she decides to kick a “child” while in a position of authority… but it’s ok, she “made amends”.
Just take a moment and imagine how many years she would be whining about her trauma if a male teacher had kicked her while she was in high school.
Now, normally I won’t poke any fun at the rape threads. But this one is kinda confusing me. See, I don’t see the “rape” here. When you filter out a lot of the double speak and shrillness common to those who post on these boards you are left with some simple facts…
- She entered into a sexual/romantic relationship
- As a result she lost some friends and social status cause the guy was a prick
- She later was unhappy with the relationship but didn’t end it
- Years later a sa result of ingesting a steady diet of ultra feminist revisionism she decides it was rape by her new definitions
- Now she needs counseling, cries all the time and is ruining her school career
Now obviously there is no such thing as a female who might in fact be comfortable with her sexuality and maybe enjoy the energy that happens when a place develops a sexual charge. No, no, no… see anyone who thinks sexual attention is good must be working with abuse issues. Sex is bad. All sex is rape, hail Dworkin!
“There’s something else going on there that has nothing to do with sex or alcohol; we all know that. I see it as a repressed rage at how they are treated by men. A rage that is afraid to come out any other way. It’s like, “Fuck yeah, I don’t care what you do to me.” – quote in context
Otherwise good films spoilt by sexist parts – boo, hoo.
“How else to indoctrinate men as to how women should be treated, all the better when it’s part of “entertainment”. If they can get their sexism served to them while enjoying brain-candy then the more receptive to it they will be and the less receptive they will be to any critiques of sexism particularly when it’s aimed towards their favorite movies. They can react like ‘hey that’s a good movie and all you can notice are the sexist parts?’ They have the luxury of NOT noticing. And the thing is so many don’t notice that the sexist parts are AT ALL anything out of the ordinary, just more of the same in their everyday sexist world. Just more of the same repetitive sexist crap until brains are numbed to thinking treating women this way is normal.” – quote in context
Please don’t see LOVE ACTUALLY:
This thread is a real hoot. The usually hand wringing but then we are treated to a long series of posts where people who disagree get to start judging wich of them the “feminist” or not. Like good little cult members they will try and decide which of them might be making the mistake of disagreeing with the group.
As soon as you decide ideas are dangerous you get this sort of thought police crap. I wonder if they would argue [[wp:SSC]] for a while?
“It concerns me to see how hopeless some women have become. Like you, Wyz, who have simply resigned yourself to the fact that sexism is everywhere so why try to beat it. And your prioritizing temporary entertainment over real change for women seems rather shallow, as if you are willing to accept sexism in order for a few good laughs. I can’t do that. Most feminists won’t do that. If I see sexism on screen or elsewhere I take it personally. I feel outraged that men are not put through the same wringer. I get angry that society thinks it’s OK to do this to women–to me! I determine not to support it–no ifs, ands, or buts about it and, if I do inadvertently support it, I endeavor to explain exactly why it was a shame that I was duped.
I simply cannot understand the can’t beat ’em, join ’em attitude. To me, that’s not feminist, that’s conformist. Why, Wyz, do you feel it’s a losing game if you live up to feminist principles? Why be a feminist at all if that’s how you feel?
And you, Sarahlynn, why draw a line between somewhat sexist and really super duper sexist? Sexism is sexism. Why make distinctions? This whole thing about breasts not being sexual seems odd considering that you also wish breasts wouldn’t be so sexualized. The point Mak and many others are making is that we AGREE, breasts are sexualized too much, in too many mediums, far too often. Yet feminism is about reducing the disproportionate objectification of women’s body parts, not accepting it. To suggest that the objectification of women’s breasts isn’t really objectification at all, which is what I deduce from your comments, is plain wrong. Denying the obvious by saying you personally don’t think breasts are as sexual as penises doesn’t take away from the fact that the rest of the world, particularly paying men, think breasts are sexual enough to be marketed in movies and goodness knows how many other places. That’s the issue here, Sarahlynn — the fact that women’s breasts are considered sexual, and therefore are objectified for male benefit, while a very sexual part of the male body, the penis, almost NEVER is objectified. Now why don’t you think that’s sexist?” – quote in context
Multiple Feminist Boards – well, that will happen when you can’t decide which of you has the one true way.
Tavis Smiley Hierchalizes Oppressions!:
Now, this thread went spectacularly off the rails. It started out with them trying to decide whether racism or sexism was worse but then they started fighting about who was the most feminist among them. This quote amused me greatly…
“It’s quite simple, Jeannie. You fling mud in the shape of accusations–for example, your unceasing attempts to label anyone who disagrees with you a “man” or an “anti-feminist”. You also refuse to address questions directed to you or address points brought up and instead go into full, frothing-at-the-mouth frenzies of “how you are being attacked,” “how UNFAIR and UNKIND” those who are “attacking” you are, and blah-dee-blee-de-blah-dee-blah, over and over and over again, in the hopes that you can deflect attention from those unanswered questions/points. You also try to use feminism as a cover for your less-attractive beliefs and actions.
And, in any case, I think it’s hilarious that you have made this thread all about JEANNIE and how JEANNIE is suffering and OH, OH, POOR WIDDLE JEANNIE when at the beginning I was directing most of what I way saying to DO and Lucky. Your name was only one in the group.” – quote in context
The hilarious thing about it is that that is what all these people do as a group. Hell, the while whinefest is a tribute to this sort of action. But they don’t see that ๐
Oh no! Someone put out a calendar… and it has as a theme fantasies by women. How can this be? Women might think about sex? Say it isn’t so!