…the wind blowing through the hair on your legs




Some more links from ‘da gyno-fringe…

Body hair – what do you do with yours – This is probably the single most amusing thing I have read in a while… lets look at the various responses of how “lets” are handled (some emphasis added):

  • “Legs, not since July 2000. My friends are impressed! however, I may -MAY- give them a once-over shave if I go to California spring break, or in August when I go to Vegas.”
  • “legs: grow all winter. that first spring day and the breeze tickles them is the best feeling in the world. summer: shave and not, shave and not. pretty random.”
  • “legs… unshaven for over four years now. nothing like the wind blowing through the hair on your legs

Finding Your Inner Lesbian Separatist“Deep inside each woman is a little voice crying out. It is our own, inner lesbian separatist. Thatโ€™s right, you too can be a lesbian who, in profound enlightenment, can live independently of males. With a dedications and the few simple tips provided in this self-help essay, you will emerge into your new, enlightened, dyke identity.”


Feminist Analysis of ifeminism – In short, they don’t like it. Dig the pseudo intellectual double speak.

“Lacking a class analysis and the acknowledgement of social systems such as the dynamism called patriarchy Ifeminism can not acknowledge motivations in terms of anything other than individual actions, an understanding which has no utility for the induction of social change and which fails to hold men responsible for their actions in relation to women. Ifeminism is ill prepared to take any actions on behalf of women except those of inequities in law. When socially compensatory legislation is enacted on behalf of women, ifeminism will oppose these compensations as a violation to their adherence to formal inequity whose default standard is male.”

Other links of interest…