One ring…




Long weekend, lots of stuff happened and it all went nicely. I am going to have to just summarize for a bit at the moment.

  • Walking around the city on Saturday I think I caught a flu of some type.
  • I am currently watching Pi.
  • I got a chance to see The Last Samurai, I really liked it.
  • I didn’t have to deal with the snow.

Two things happened that are worth more than a bullet item.

Kimiko now has two shiny new outer labia rings. They were done for free as a reward for her participation in a video about tattooing and piercing. Tatsumi also participated in the video though she did not get pierced. I decided to let Kimiko have two more rings to let her know that I expect to be playing with her for a long time to come… as a present and because they would look nice.

Also, remember back at DragonCon? Well Tatsumi had purchased rings for the three of us as a gift to the group. We have been wearing them since. Last weekend, when Tatsumi called me Master for the first time and we acknowledged the relationship “officially” (in [[wp:BDSM]] terms she was collared) she later moved her ring to her left hand. I knew she did this because of a conversation she related between her mother and herself. I was pleased that she had moved it – I liked the symbolism. I did not say anything about that to her at the time, I figured I would chew on it a while ๐Ÿ™‚

Well, I did. Last night as she was preparing to drive home in order to beat the storm I was sitting in the computer room/office, thinking about the weekend and life. I moved my ring to my left hand. Like the decision to formalize our status this was a gut action driven by intuition. It felt right… and it still does.

I can’t tell you all the nuances that drove the action in my mind. Obviously as an owner and dominant my ethics grant me the right to take on someone else if I chose. As a lover and partner I have a poly streak (so do the girls) so this isn’t the same as a “conventional” marriage. I guess to me, having no ring on my left hand has always meant (since my divorce) that I was “unencumbered” or “freely available”. That isn’t even remotely true, and thus it is appropriate to wear the ring there. I am many things… but I am certainly not “unencumbered” or “freely available”.

I am a Daddy in relationships with two very special girls. The collars they wear are a sign of our relationships to all those who can recognize power and ownership. The rings are a sign that aside from power and ownership there is love, dedication and devotion. I am dedicated and devoted to these girls not because anything in the ethics of my worldview demand it – but rather because it is an inescapable reality of my personality. Just like my love for them.

I honestly never expected to wear anything on my left “ring finger” again in my life; up until the moment I moved it. Yet there it sits and it feels strange… weird and right.

Just like my life… strange, weird and very very right.

ed note: Yes, I know this will put a serious crimp in the literally millions of offers I get from chicks every day – but I am willing to take the risk ๐Ÿ™‚