Do you have Prince Albert in a can?




A quick tour through the land of extremism. We haven’t visited lately. This time around we will talk about body modification and the hatred of all things having to do with the topics of men, lesbians, beauty or sex.

This installment? Body modification, catty infighting and the return of condescention!

Go ahead, hit [more] if you have to and read on. If nothing else it is amusing!

Body Modification

On the topic of  body modification, the open minded, progressive, diverse and intellectual folks over at Ms. have this collection of wisdom to offer…

“Oh come on. I have done a shitload just to be “different.” In fact, I had my tongue pierced for nearly five years. But, as soon as peircing became about cute little gems in cheerleader’s belly buttons, I was out.” – quote in context

Remember, blue eyes are the mark of the patriarcy!

“Didn’t anyone see the promo picture from the movie Thirteen? Two little blond girls with Vanessa Williams blue eyes sticking their pierced tongues at the camera. It was real difficult to decode that photo wasn’t it? May as well have been for a strip club.” – quote in context

And of course if you want to be pierced you must be “batshit”…

“I’m amazingly happy that I’m old enough to get that joke, as opposed to even knowing that PA refers to piercing, let alone choosing to risk HIV with someone batshit enough to want a needle through his own schvantz (of course it’s more likely to tear a condom. Duh.) Judgemental? Whatever. It’s your life, not mine. Go risk it and be happy with your own choices.” – quote in context

And then the mud wrestling started… car to imagine the little bitch-fest that led to this?

“Yeah, recognizing that I choose to live an unsafe life in an unsafe world because it gets me all the attention and doing little bits to make things safer FOR ME AND THE MEN I LOVE is depraved indifference. I love to take cheap shots at former close friends. Fuck off.” – quote in context

Remember men, like the old priests told you… that nasty thing in your pants is evil!

“I’m all for a PA if driving a stake through the heart of the vampire will gurantee to turn him into dust.

Sounds like your partner’s a real winner, Samara. Do you often date people that are so desperate to be considered cool that they’ll subject themselves to pain, torture and infection to be?” – quote in context