Boys lie, girls show some leg ๐Ÿ™‚



Mirror Mirror

Let’s talk about socks for a moment. Specifically, loose socks. I had purchased them a while ago as they are one of the cute components of your typical Japanese school girl’s attire. As it turns out, they are an extremely cute portion of that attire.

For some reason, I find the look of the Japanese school girl to be much more attractive than the American/Catholic variety. Don’t get me wrong, it looks pretty good in almost any variation but for some reason a few Asian/Japanese touches really just put it over the top.

You will hear more form me in the next few days discussing the sequence of events that started when she finally put them on this last Saturday (02/07/2004) as soon as I find out what the outcome will be. Trust me, it’s a long story… for now just look at the pretty picture and the read on past the [more].

Found on a Japanese web page, presumably by a Japanese girl from Yokkaichi commercial high school. The whole slide show is available…

  • We draw the rubber out the socks, and they are like completely loose.
  • In Japan making our school uniform skirts shorter is very popular. Japanese young women prefer short skirts to longer ones.
  • If we wear short skirts and loose socks, our legs look a little slender.

We are talking about Japanese schoolgirls (a popular topic on the ‘net), and in fact we can comment somewhat on the Japanese culture. Lets make a quick bullet list.

  • The adults in Japan know exactly how sexy the schoolgirl outfits are. They know this and have a fetish for it. There are tons of images, videos and stories in Japan that center around and acknowledge this.
  • Upon understanding that these outfits were making their high school age girls look slammingly hot they not only didn’t panic and start putting each other in jail the way we would have in the US, they continue to institutionalize it and require these uniforms be worn by the girls.
  • The girls themselves are extremely aware of their [[wp:Lolita]] effect. They play up on it deliberately. It is absolutely common for the girls to wear a modified version of the uniform out on dates or to social events – but the shirts are tighter and the skirts are much shorter.
  • A significant minority of high school age Japanese girls make extra money capitalizing on their attractiveness in various legal and illegal ways.
  • Most of the adult (18+) female models in Japan realize that they can make a lot fo money if they continue to look young, innocent and sexy in the high school style uniforms.

Now, we could discuss and debate I suppose whether they actually “understand” the signals they are putting out… and certainly there is endless debate on what age they may be really ready to have someone take them up on the offer. Certainly this blog is not the place for that debate.

What can be said is that:

  • Many Japanese high school girls are hot
  • Many of them deliberately alter their dress to play into the school girl attraction that seems to be universal
  • That Japan is, pleasantly, one of the few places not overcome with guilt by it’s own fantasies and fetishes.
  • That the outfit itself is incredibly hot and worth putting the girl in your life in ๐Ÿ™‚