I am the reason…




It recently came to my attention that my t-shirt skills were perhaps misdirected. That I should, in fact, be basing a line of t-shirts on myself and with slogans that specifically apply to me or those I am involved with. Check under the [more]…

Potential slogans for me:

  • I am the reason to take ‘happy pills’
  • Yes honey, lots of diamonds
  • I am a hard man to love
  • Yes, I am out of my f_ing mind
  • I think with the small head
  • The voice in my head says you should be crying by now
  • I have all the good candy
  • That’s “Daddy Bastard” to you!
  • The phrase is “cock-biting fucktard”
  • I’ve been lost here before
  • The Smiths?
  • Ummm….. sometime in December

Potential slogans for my girls:

  • Do it to her!
  • Obedience sucks ass
  • Are you done talking? Cause I need a pill
  • I said I’d do ?!?WHAT!?!
  • World, yeah
  • Minion #_____ (number to be written by hand in permanent marker)