S.H.A. – taking myself to school…




ed note: man, it sucks that when these things hit Tatsumi is usually sleeping (she works way hard) cause I would love her input before I put this stuff up; and that way I wouldn’t feel somehow that I am waylaying her with it when she wakes up if she feels like she needs to read it.

Honey, you can skip this if you need to go to work… this isn’t about deep stuff, just thoughts about clothing and fetishes ๐Ÿ™‚

I am fairly tired, so this might only be quasi coherent. I am posting it so that it doesn’t slip my mind and becuase while I am sleeping some folks might get a chance to read it and be able to offer me advice or thoughts.

Recent events had got me thinking about clothing, and wardrobes. In particular I have recently really come to like the schoolgirl look and have been looking for ways to incorporate it into wardrobe of the girls in a way that will be pervasive yet still maintain flexibility and decorum.

Tonight before sleep it dawned upon me that while my instincts were right, my implementation may have been lacking. As always, when I can’t quite figure out why my instincts are failing me I start classifying things… looking for a patter or structure to put it in.

Then it hit me! The path to the solution became clear. Go ahead, hit [more]!

As I have been reviewing the issue I realized that to simply put the girls into a constant variation of school attire may be self defeating. You see, the problem is simply that in order to allow for social requirements and other factors the school clothing would need to deviate significantly from what I find most attractive (short to mid length skirt, white shirt and white socks). The question to be answered is whether the deviations are significant enough that the basic premise is lost or counter productive?

The answer is yes I think, if I am too literal in my concept. When I allow for variations in color, cloth, skirt length and pattern, shoes etc. the wardrobe gains a lot of flexibility, but maybe may loose some of it’s effect. In other words, am I forcing myself to forego the pleasure of seeing my girls in a wide variety of clothing styles an materials while simultaneously not gaining a significant amount of time with them in the school clothing I like?

Maybe analyzing the problem will help. Let’s look quickly at the types of clothing “modes” the girls might be in and examples of when it might apply. Some things are worth noting right off the top:

  • Some items of clothing will fit into more than one category
  • Within each category there still exists wide room for variation, each category can for instance have within it wide variations on how provocative the attire is

Here then are the modes… the are generic enough to be of general utility to others:

  • Formal – opera, cocktail parties, weddings, receptions, cotillions and so on. This would include evening gowns, the little black dress etc.
  • Business – client, office, bank, court room. Business suits, pant suits and so on.
  • Sport – the gym, hiking, sporting events and so on. Sports bra, bike shorts, track suits, bikini etc.
  • Sleep – pajamas, oversize t-shirts, thongs and topless, boxers, flannel. You get the idea.
  • Casual – your basic jeans and t-shirt thing. Perfect for hanging around and generally taking it easy.
  • Club – this is your typical dance attire. Variations of “goth” and so on all fall into this basic mode. Miniskirt, vintage wedding dress, little black dress etc.
  • Fetish – this is close to club, but specifically includes more extreme fetish outfits. Leather strapped body harnesses. Latex miniskirts. Mesh tops. Straight jackets, pony bridles etc.

Guiding and influencing your modes is your Theme. The purpose of themed clothing is to have items that fit into all the others, but that maintains a consistent theme that is of some significance. Not all your clothes will come from the theme, but enough will to tie the wardrobe together. One could have a vampire theme and chose their formal wear accordingly for example. In my case, it is the student/girls school concept. 

Originally, I had intended to satisfy the theme with an extended variation of an upper class prep schools wardrobe. Skirts of various lengths, white shirts, white sweaters, blazers  and different types of socks and shoes as needed. All of those variations still have their place – but as a component of a larger palette if you will excuse the metaphor.

Looking at modes the above I realized that what I had interpreted as the urge to keep the girls constantly in school girl like clothing was in actuality an urge to keep them in a school girl theme. I had been moving in this direction from the beginning anyway of course with the flexibility of wardrobe rather than a rigid devotion to the mini skirt and loose sock look.

Tatsumi gave me the crucial clue as we spoke about it. “What”, she asked, “is it you are trying to accomplish?”. I couldn’t completely articulate it at the time… I spoke of clothing and my attraction for how good she looked in her school attire and mentioned again the wide range of clothing. She was still a bit confused and who can blame her? It wasn’t all fully formed in my head!

That will teach me to pull the trigger early.

See, the theme is much broader in my mind than the grey pleated skirts. Now I can answer the question… what I am trying to accomplish is:

  • Enjoy the theme of the girls being students or “school girls”
  • Provide a uniform or unifying theme to their wardrobe that as much as practical will connect them to me
  • Extend and exert my mental “presence” more overtly into the girls wardrobe choices
  • Keep an element of fetish and sexual overture to their attire for the collective amusement of all of us
  • Increase the amount of time the girls spend in attire I find as strongly attractive as I do the loose socks/school girl look

I have three letters for you that might well illuminate my solution. Personally I am amused as all hell.

S.H.A. = SoulHuntre Academy

Think of it in terms of a school. The abbreviation, the written out name in some block font, a ivy league style logo of fighting lions or some such. You know the drill. Something that looks like a real school identity.

Now, let’s look at how the S.H.A theme solves our little problem. Think of the girls who go to that school and what they might wind up wearing while they are on or off campus. This is our guideline. In this context then the specific attire is not the foremost principle… it is the totality of the feel and the theme.

  • Formal – not much needs or can happen here. The girls are very pretty and Tatsumi in particular knows more about formal dress than Kimiko and I put together. I say leave well enough alone as the look great in this situation anyway.
  • Business – again, nothing specific here. When the opportunity presents itself (and it isn’t now) I will probably nudge the wardrobe a little more to the provocative side… but nothing that specifically ties in with the theme. This mode could work in an extremely discreet S.H.A. in the form of a faux class ring or item of jewelry, but that’s not crucial.
  • Sport – here is where the fun starts. Think sport attire, then think schools and school girls. Pleated skirts? No. Sports bras of course. Cropped t-shirts. Swim suits. Cut off football style mesh shirts. Tight tank tops. Bike pants. Now think of some of those things with a nice S.H.A. on them. You know, like the customized attire one might buy at a school bookstore?
  • Sleep – this one is easy… thongs, t-shirts and other items with the S.H.A on them are all a possibility. of course girls at school don’t always wear school branded clothing, that is too be expected. of course, the girls at S.H.A. are generally pretty cute when they get ready for bed no matter what they wear!
  • Casual – t-shirts, might have an S.H.A. Same thing with cotton underwear and so on.
  • Club – no specific theming necessary. The girls at S.H.A know how to look good for a night on the town!
  • Fetish – the only really specific fetish impact is the increased usage of the school girl theme during our time in BDSM and fetish friendly environments.

What we wind up with then is a approach that had many good points but I will only touch on some here:

  • A fairly consistent shift in the cues that the girls attire give off. Their attire is not more specifically aimed at me and my likes.
  • The girls maintain a wide latitude to express themselves in their attire.
  • None of their current wardrobe is rendered obsolete.
  • The theme is subtle. There will be much less tension with the [[wp:muggles]]. Aside from a slight increase in the occurrence of the letters S.H.A. and the school girl theme in club attire there is no impact for parents or family to notice.
  • The changes can be brought in over time.

It ha been my intention to alter the dress code of the girls such that “unless they have a specific reason to wear something else, they would wear a variation on the schoolgirl outfit though it may be adjusted for social decorum”.

That was silly of me ๐Ÿ™‚

You see I like the girls in other types of clothing, and I would have been constantly making exceptions to the rule. I am working on changes but this variation seems much more useful…

“Unless you have specific orders to the contrary, choose whatever mode of attire you feel is appropriate or comfortable. Within that mode endeavor to maintain the S.H.A. theme over time. When in doubt give preference to S.H.A branded items and/or the most provocative style appropriate to your circumstances.”

That means Tatsumi could come home from work, slip into a pair of her “princess” pajamas and not have to worry about it, but she would often opt to lounge in an oversized S.H.A shirt or wear S.H.A thongs under the flannel PJ’s. She may decide when going out to a play with family that she would wear a medium length grey or navy blue (school colors you know) skirt and a white turtle neck shirt with a blazer. See what I mean?

Sometime in the future when I own a house and the girls don’t have to have constant daily contact with parents and miscellaneous muggles maybe they will spend their days in crisp white shirts and short pleated skirts… but we aren’t there yet.

For my part I will be seeing the girls much more often in the school outfits I love so much, but I am willing to bet that unless they are going out with me specifically it will be a fairly rare thing for them to choose on their own when there is no specific need under the current circumstances. Though I suspect when Tatsumi knows she isn’t going to be interrupted she will often be good to her Daddy and put on her pretty uniform…

…won’t you honey?

Goodnight all ๐Ÿ™‚