Whew! Things going on!




Tomorrow, I promise you more content tomorrow ๐Ÿ™‚

In the meantime, I am actually going to take the time to sleep and catch up with Kimiko, watch a movie and try not to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Short form?

  • Valentines day was amazingly cool, and the [[girl2|girls]] really made it special for me (to see how, go join [[girl2|the site]]!).
  • Kimiko and I are doing changing our eating habits to have a much lower carb count. I am currently running 40 grams a day or so and she is usually hitting a bit under 20. The intention had been to follow a well known low carb diet but after doing a lot of research some of it didn’t gel for me. My normal intake had been around 450-500 a day sometimes, with the avg around 400 and spikes (cookies!) of 1000.
  • I hurt my thumb at my [[wp:dojo]] so my typing is a little off.

More tomorrow!