How can I sleep at night?




On Renderosity in the "Off Topic" forum there has been a hotbed of anti-Bush, anti-Republican sentiment of late. Many accusations were bandied about about the war, and the context is of general hatred for all things Republican. The usual tripe, you know – conspiracy theories about the rich and so on. One thread was entitled "how can they sleep at night"…. and this is my response.

15. Re: How can they sleep? by soulhuntre on 2/20/04 00:52

"Beforehand this thread gets derailed, I would like the supporters of the american President Bush invasion of Iraq to tell the rest who oppsed it what it feels like to be a willing supporter of the deaths of thousands of innocent people? To be a supporter of war crimes? For invasion of a sovereign country with none evidence of provocation? Essiantly, murder? "

That’s easy…. I believe nothing of the kind, and so my sleep is untroubled. You may well feel that my beliefs are false, but your asking a question and unless it is rhetorical then this is the answer. Where I can I linked to my weblog entries from the time… the give you more of a look into my thoughts on the topic – and why I have no problem sleeping.

What it feels like to be a willing supporter of the deaths of thousands of innocent people?

I am a willing supporter of the invasion of Iraq. It supported it knowing that there would be deaths of both US citizens and Iraqi’s… combatant and non combatant alike. Did I "support" the deaths of those innocents, no.. no more than a doctor is a supporter of deaths on the operating table. Casualties happen, it is unfortunate.

To be a supporter of war crimes?

I am not a supporter of war crimes, so that point is inapplicable to me. I do not believe the invasion was a war crime, nor have I seen evidence of war crimes committed by our soldiers. If I do see such evidence then I expect those who committed those crimes to be prosecuted.

For invasion of a sovereign country with none evidence of provocation?

I believe there was plenty of provocation. Repeated threats, repeated disregard of UN directives, evasive and conflicting treatment of UN personnel and an open and obvious hostility and hatred towards our nation and it’s people. There is no doubt that Iraq was our enemy. Whether or not it turns out that there was a working WMD in Iraq the threat was one that needed consideration and addressing. While the information was inconclusive (in my mind) the threat simply could not be ignored. (9/11 showed us that the world is not as safe a place as we thought – that threats we had previously considered inconsequential are very real. Again, you may not AGREE with me that we were provoked, but you asked how I sleep. The answer is that I believe there was provocation.

Essiantly, murder?

Because I do not consider it murder. In my opinion the US took a necessary action that is supported by a number of to me reasonable justifications. Now, I am sure this thread is really here as a rhetorical device… but I figured I’d answer anyway because maybe someone would realize that those with differing beliefs might not always be monsters with no soul or conscience.