Food, food food.




As you might remember, I started controlling my dietary intake of late. I took a page from the current fad and went down to about 40 grams of carb a day for about two weeks… and things went bad.

I lost energy, the ability to concentrate and my breath went to hell. This is something known as [[wp:Ketosis]] and is a close cousin to [[wp:Ketoacidosis]], the life threatening thing that happens to diabetics. In the end, I decided it was seriously unhealthy, and all the slavering [[wp:Atkins]] fans in the world won’t change my mind.

So I looked for alternatives, did a lot of research and finally decided to go with what I was finding as an invaluable resource, “The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding : The Bible of Bodybuilding, Fully Updated and Revised“. You might laugh, but I have known peopel who use this book in its various revisions for decades now… it has staying power and the information is constantly updated.

To make a long story short, I am going for 1750-200 calories a day, with a 40%/40%/20% split between carb/protein/fat. I am increasing my workouts, eating more fruit, staying away from processed sugars and getting more whole grains. it’s an awesome book, go check it out.