Zombies, bondage and cubism…




A whole lot of Everything. I had to look something up on this site today while I took a break from work to eat something, and as usual one link led to another. I don’t have the time to read it all so I am saving it here for future reference. As always, the topics range far and wide…

About men, chicks and porn…

  • [[e2n:498037|What if Dr. Seuss taught Japanese rope bondage?]]
  • [[e2n:109479|Fetishizing schoolgirls]]
  • [[e2n:159532|Bukkake]]
  • [[e2n:904372|Sex with my sister was always really, really good]]
  • [[e2n:1305946|Flopisox]]


  • [[e2n:1195078|How to survive against zombies]]
  • [[e2n:30353|Night of the Living Dead]]

Feminism and Men

  • [[e2n:689500|Newton’s Rape Manual and other surprises]]
  • [[e2n:673402|All men are rapists]]

Rubiks’ Cube