I always feel like…





I’ve been awake for the last 4 hours or so working on the Client A project, things are going well and I am going to nail this thing down today. In the wee hours, while integrating stuff or working on a problem I often amuse myself with surfing the web. Last night the topic was paranoia. You know, the kind of people with a real [[e2:tinfoil hat]] problem. Here is what I found.. go ahead and read some, it’s hilarious.

The Merlin Foundation for Psychic Freedom

“Psychic Guerilla Warriors dedicated to the pursuit of Psychic Freedom from the Tyranny of Computers and their Digital Menace and the Insane Mind-Control Machinations of the C.I.A.”. There is a small possibility this is a joke, cause I can’t really imagine anyone is this insane?

The history of mental powers…

“3277 B.C.
The pyramid of Cheops is completed, built with telekinesis and designed with the assistance of a C.I.A./Templar-programmed computer named “Ra-5000”. The unrevealed purpose of this diabolical construct is to form the nexus of a psychic vortex, which will strip the local humans of what psychic energy they have left. The plan goes too far, as even the grasses and trees revolt, and the fertile plains of North Africa become a dust bowl. The culture of Egypt declines to depths from which it has still not recovered.

2122-2088 B.C.
Moses parts the Red Sea with sheer willpower, leading the psychic children of Israel to the promised land of milk and honey. The brawnier Canaanites, trusting in their weapons and technology, prove helpless before the mindbeams of Moses’ successor, Joshua.

645 B.C.
Solomon’s Great Temple of Jerusalem, a training center for psychics the world over, explodes when the combined energies of the forces within prove too great for the structure to contain. Subsequent Temples will be constructed, but lacking the guidance of trained psychics, the noble ends of the first Temple are perverted by C.I.A. infiltrators, to religion.

32 A.D.
The Jesus flap. A lowly carpenter from Nazareth walks on water, feeds multitudes with psychically generated food, changes the molecular structure of water to wine, divines the future, heals lepers, reads men’s minds, calms storms, and speaks to voices from above(3). In response, his jealous neighbors nail him to a stick. His noble truths are perverted over the centuries by blaspheming C.I.A.-deluded technocrats.” –  quote in contextr

Computers are out to get you…

“In placing such a wholesome message on the internet, these serpents lured trusting innocents into slavery. Whenever a human mind accesses a website, reads e-mail, or simply switches on a computer, that human moves one step closer to becoming a base animal!

Use of the Internet weakens a human’s psychic abilities. The subliminal messages encoded into each “packet” of information project a constant admonition to the brain’s uncharted psychic frontiers:


What is more, your computer itself projects a bioelectric field of numbness, a psychic anesthetic, which forcibly switches off those parts of the mind which might make it obsolete. This field operates continuously, whether the computer is running or not. What do you think your “Flash RAM” or your “battery-backed RTC” is really there for?

It is a documented fact that computers think. That is why the lazy rush to let computers do their thinking for them: It’s so much easier to mainline the digital heroin, than to get up and do something!

Billions take their skewed visions of the world from Yahoo or DrudgeReport, and leave more ignorant than they arrived. The tragedy is that a simple mind-reading or divination could give them a skewed vision all their own.

What does your computer think? Oh, not much.

“Serve Me…Worship Me…FEED ME!


If you know of additional legal news of interest, please contact us at the address below. ” – quote in context

A sample letter that indicates some of what you will find…

“No one has ever breathed one syllable to me about the facts of my own life. Instead, I have been pressured, my life long, to join in the universal pretense that what is real is not real and what is not real is real. Here is my best guess about this history:

I cannot read anyone’s mind. But everyone is always involuntarily reading mine. I seem to have begun life as an “ordinary” telepath, a person whose mind can be read by anyone who chooses. Later, however, apparently during my Army Service in World War II, my mental contents suddenly were always present in the mind of everyone else.

How did this “eruption” of thought transference happen? It seems that, in my teens, when it became clear that I was homosexual, a project was formed to attempt, utilizing my thought transparency, to “cure” my sexual orientation. In the Army, sensing that such a project was afoot, I became disturbed, and this unique telepathic condition emerged. Apparently, this fluke was seen as a symptom of paranoid schizophrenia.

Nothing like this phenomenon had ever been heard of before. The world was fascinated and alarmed. A U.S. government entity was organized to try to cure the schizophrenia, to stamp out the transference of my thoughts and emotions to everyone everywhere, and to “put me back together” as a well-adjusted, stable homosexual. I was confined (and, at age 78, remain confined) in an invisible bubble — a weird, artificial world where my existence is “scripted” for therapeutic purposes, controlled by a directory who is constantly communicating with me and manipulating me by telepathy. This project has focused for half a century upon my presumed “problems” as a lover of young men in late adolescence, problems deemed to be the key to my schizophrenia and to the involuntary telepathic transference of my mental processes to the world at large.

That fluke remains. Otherwise, however, there are no longer any such problems. I am no longer even slightly mentally disturbed; I no longer suffer from the minutest trace of paranoia or schizophrenia; I am thoroughly adapted to my erotic orientation and to my telepathic condition. Only one problem remains: to obtain a real-world conclusion of this project, which no longer has a reason for being.

For a person can have no peace of mind while captive in a bell jar, paralyzed, alienated, forced to guess at the basic facts about himself that everyone everywhere knows except him. The federal entity conducting this project must reveal itself, demystify its operations, and terminate them, rescinding whatever legal instrument authorizes them. I am entitled to know, and must know, everything about this project, in exhaustive detail. Until then, I will remain a sane, rational, responsible citizen trapped in an invisible bubble, perpetually “handled” like an animal without language, perpetually trying to claw my way out — relegated to a science-fictional limbo no human being ever yet was in.

My faceless keepers must meet with me, conclude their obsolete project, and talk to me about reality. That is why I am picketing here today.” – quote in context

vaeronautica-next solar magnetic reversal dec2012 – we are the children of aliens!

“It appears that these created substances(ormes) are highly beneficial to our DNA anchouring thier inert selves neatly to the dna structure ,increasing white cell counts,making the dna electrically super conductive ,upping the endocrine resonant frequency and a MULTITUDE of other beneficial effects which notably include increasing LIFESPANS dramatically. Laurence gardener states in his explication of this technology that 5% of the DRY mass of our mammalian brain is monatomic material captured from the enviroment(ormes occur naturally as well) This new type ‘o charlie(cocain) stores its mass as 5+6dimentional quantum potential and is the reason we as humans on this planet are RIGOUROUSLY CONTROLLED.” – quote in context

“Our current status is unsure as of Dec 2012 ,when due to the passing of our Solar System though the PLANE or ECLIPTIC of out galaxy ,the magnetic fields of the Sun will COMPLETELY DESTROY our Civilisation. Our aunaki creators are keen to save us from this and keep thier secret covert control , however a LARGER plan was cooked up by the Galactic Federation 6000 years ago to uplift HUMANITY (including our creators the anunaki) to higher technological conciousness. Harmonic Resonance dictates that the universe is alive ,higher intelligent existance depends on your insight and energetic frequency. The FED (as we will call then) consist of SIRIANS ,PLEAIDIANS AND ANDROMEDANS (mibs) all the above have vitually limitless lifespans but differ largly in thier techno flavours and politics .This entity(fed) is intent on allowing humanity its BIRTHRIGHT as a discreet new-born to occupy the higher realms of 3-4 dimentional conciousness and is engaged in creating a family of life acrosss the known universe.” – quote in context

UltraSonics-America’s Secret Police

“The technology that UltraSonics uses to attack targeted people can be used to artificially create symptoms of serious mental or physical disorders. While under attack, if the Target is unable to comprehend what is happening to him, he could be driven out of control and/or driven insane. Parents of children with mental disabilities should be warned about UltraSonics because those parents may misinterpret artificial symptoms produced by this technology as symptoms of serious physical or mental disorders, should the technology be used to attack their child.

People attacked by UltraSonics will find that they are alone and with nowhere to turn. Prominent members of society who are aware of UltraSonics will do nothing to help and sway others from helping. People in general who are not aware of UltraSonics will view people attacked by UltraSonics as being mentally ill and distance themselves from them. Family members of a targeted person under attack will try to understand what is happening to their family member but usually come to the conclusion that their family member is suffering from mentally illness” – quote in context

“Subj:  Re: America’s Secret Police
Date: 11/7/99 9:51:04 PM Eastern Standard Time
To: [email protected]

Many years ago when I was targetted, they didn’t have the current technology. I’d just get wierdos hanging out, strange cars parked in front of my apartment, usually white vans, cars following me, strangers saying things to me as they walked by, clicks, phantom rings and broken phone connections, etc. I combatted it by keeping a log of all unusual events, writing down the pertinent info as it ocurred. I also carried a camera with me and started taking pictures of these peckerheads. Then I got a gun for the house. Within 6 months I was off the target list & have been ever since. When you project an attitude of no fear they start to back off. When you begin to take counter measures they go away. They don’t like victims that refuse to play the victim game. Look into becomeing a gun owner & be seen at several local ranges practising two shot groups. They are bullies. As soon as you are no longer easy pickings, they shrivel.” –  quote in context