Centered, happy, up to the challenges…




Well, I am off to the [[wp:Dojo]] to hang out and help the school prepare for the upcoming black belt test. It was on 04/28/2001 that I took mine, and anything I can do to help others I am going to do. It is hard to say how much effort goes into getting ready for this.

Yesterday was also the 9 year anniversary of me and Kimiko. There is some more stuff about it over on the G2 Stalker blog so I am going to refer to that to tell you the story. It’s been a good time, and she is very special and important to me.

So, tonight Dojo and tomorrow the school does this test. Three peopel will be there testing, each of them fighting more than 100 opponents in a 4 hour time period across 4 arts. It’s rough, believe me.

Then tomorrow night I get to go spend the night with Tatsumi. I am really looking forward to it, we are doing great but it will be totally sweet to get a chance to just connect and get re-acquainted. She needs it, I need it and it will be good for my little family. Who knows, we might go heavy or fluffy – but it is important for us to get a chance to ditch some stress and be us for a while.

For some reason these last few days I feel Cat strongly, these days the feeling is a good one… an awareness of my own power and competence. Cat is always a powerful icon in my life.

Till later ๐Ÿ™‚